

One summer, 82 concerts

The fifth edi­tion of the Es­tereofònics sum­mer mu­si­cal cycle com­prises a total of 82 con­certs, most free of charge, in 113 days. This “fes­ti­val of fes­ti­vals” is the sum of sev­eral dif­fer­ent pro­grammes held in Castell-Platja d’Aro and S’Agaró through­out the sum­mer, in­clud­ing clas­sics such as the Fes­ti­val In­ter­na­cional de Música de s’Agaró, a bench­mark in cham­ber music that this year will be held from July 20 to Sep­tem­ber 21, and the Nits de Jazz fes­ti­val, which for the 22nd con­sec­u­tive sum­mer will turn the beach into an ideal set­ting to enjoy a dozen free con­certs, every Fri­day be­tween July 6 and Au­gust 31. This year’s line-up in­cludes The Sey Sis­ters, Barcelona Big Blues Band & Lluís Coloma and White Pep­per, Nito Figueras and Laura Simó’s trib­ute to two clas­sic Bea­t­les al­bums, Sgt. Pep­per’s and the dou­ble White Album.

El Fes­ti­val Prop­ers is in its sec­ond year, and takes place in the his­toric cen­tre of Castell d’Aro, with con­certs by Ramon Ara­gall, on June 16, and Clara Peya, on the June 30 (7pm).

The 6th Xalaro fam­ily show al­ready took place at the end of June, fea­tur­ing the artists Obe­ses, Reg­gae per Xics, Xiula and The Beat­box Col­lec­tive, with the clos­ing cer­e­mony co­in­cid­ing with the Sant Joan fire­work dis­play on the beach.

Two of the most unique fes­ti­vals are El De­sem­boca (July 6 and 7) and Fes­tiSurf Costa Brava (Sep­tem­ber 21). The for­mer is all about en­er­getic rock-and-roll and has Koko-Jean & The Ton­ics, Flamingo Tours, Myr­iam Swan­son & Amadeu Casas, among oth­ers. As for Fes­tiSurf, this unique surf-rock fes­ti­val hosts per­for­mances by Los Mambo Jambo Arkestra, Juanita Ba­nana, The Phan­tom Drag­sters and the Lon­don­ers Oh! Gun­quit.

The Girona-Costa Brava Gui­tar Fes­ti­val also forms part of the cycle.

June 1 - September 21
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