
Porta Ferrada / Singlot

Sant Feliu: music, humour and other arts

Joan Baez, Patti Smith with her band, Salif Keita in a dou­ble billing with The Wail­ers – di­rected by Aston Fam­ily Man Bar­rett, Bob Mar­ley’s bassist for prac­ti­cally all of his ca­reer – New Order, The Human League... Just some of the great names of con­tem­po­rary pop that will be per­form­ing at the 57th Fes­ti­val de la Porta Fer­rada in Sant Feliu de Guíxols this sum­mer, the dean of Cata­lan fes­ti­vals, re­vi­talised in re­cent years due to the ar­rival of Barcelona pro­moter, The Pro­ject. The Fes­ti­val, co-di­rected by Iñaki Martí and Al­bert Mal­lol, of­fers a broad se­lec­tion be­tween July 13 – when Manolo García and his band will ap­pear in acoustic for­mat – and Au­gust 20 – when Pedro Bur­ruezo, an­other Barcelona mu­si­cian with a large back cat­a­logue, will bring things to a close with Ed­uardo Pa­ni­agua Wafir S. Gib­ril.

Be­fore that, how­ever, La Porta Fer­rada fes­ti­val will be pre­ceded by its sis­ter event, El Sin­glot, the great sum­mer com­edy fes­ti­val or­gan­ised by An­dreu Bue­na­fuente and his pro­ducer, El Ter­rat, which will take place from July 4 to 7 and pay homage to co­me­dian Pepe Ru­bianes , who will re­ceive the first posthu­mous Sin­glot of honor award. David Bron­cano, Quico Ca­daval, Quim Mas­fer­rer, Brays Efe and Berto Romero, as well as Bue­na­fuente him­self, will be some of the comic stars ap­pear­ing at El Sin­glot.

Re­turn­ing to La Porta Fer­rada, other in­ter­na­tional at­trac­tions in­clude Amer­i­can jazz singer Melody Gar­dot and one of Queen’s best trib­ute bands, the Ar­gen­tines God Save the Queen, as well as Ma­landain Bal­let Biar­ritz. From closer to home we have Luz Casal, Marea, Rosario, Me­lendi, Tomatito & José Mercé with Las Migas, and Amaia with Los Her­manos Cubero. And even closer, Els Pets share an evening with Ramon Ara­gall and Joan Dausà and the local band Bipo­lar.

Festival de la Porta Ferrada
July 4 - August 20
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