
Cap Roig

Chic music in the gardens

The Cap Roig fes­ti­val will surely de­light au­di­ences yet again this sum­mer, with a line-up full of na­tional and in­ter­na­tional stars, over 26 nights of music and magic squeezed into less than a month and a half. The fes­ti­val, or­gan­ised by Clip­per’s Live, with the sup­port of La Caixa and Caix­a­Bank Bank Foun­da­tion, will this year bring to the stun­ning botan­i­cal gar­dens of Cap Roig, be­tween Palafrugell and Mont-ras, some of the biggest names in the in­ter­na­tional en­ter­tain­ment in­dus­try: Sting, Diana Krall, Liam Gal­lagher (Oasis), Jamie Cul­lum, Katie Melua, Eros Ra­maz­zotti, and Nile Rodgers with his band Chic, who re­turn to Cap Roig after a 10-year ab­sence to pre­sent their lat­est album, the long awaited, It’s About Time. Yet, ob­vi­ously, the cel­e­brated vet­er­ans of disco music will not take to the stage with­out also play­ing clas­sics of the genre, such as Good Times and Le freak, be­cause Cap Roig, as the song says, “c’est chic!”

The fes­ti­val di­rected by Juli Guiu will kick off with a real phe­nom­e­non of Latin music, the Colom­bian Maluma, on July 12. Luis De­spacito Fonsi also re­turns to Cap Roig two years after his tri­umphant debut at the fes­ti­val. Mean­while, Span­ish pop is rep­re­sented by the likes of Pas­tora Soler, Rozalén, Tabu­rete, Vanesa Martín, Álvaro Soler, David Bis­bal and Ai­tana, who have long sur­passed their time as con­tes­tants in Op­eración Tri­unfo. The UK’s The Vamps and Colom­bians Morat will com­pete for the younger au­di­ences, al­though the truth is that the youngest of all will be look­ing for­ward to the Club Su­per3 show. The ex­quis­ite singer from Palafrugell, Sílvia Pérez Cruz, and Ramon Mirabet will also re­turn to a venue that is al­ready very fa­mil­iar to them, while Mag Lari will bring il­lu­sions and hu­mour.

Cap Roig Festival
July 12 - August 21
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