

An eclectic edition

With its first edi­tion tak­ing place back in 1977, over the years Begur’s music fes­ti­val has be­come one of the Costa Brava’s most im­por­tant and most es­tab­lished sum­mer cul­tural events. The fes­ti­val’s phi­los­o­phy has al­ways been to offer high qual­ity con­certs that are at the same time ac­ces­si­ble to the gen­eral pub­lic. It also prides it­self on of­fer­ing a wide range of mu­si­cal styles, from soul to Nova Cançó, or from Fla­menco through to pop.

One of the key aims of this year’s edi­tion, which is more eclec­tic than ever, is to con­sol­i­date the dif­fer­ent venues that the fes­ti­val has added in re­cent years, which this year in­cludes Begur’s main square, the Plaça de la Vila. Among the top artists per­form­ing at the fes­ti­val are Joan Dausà, Duquende & Chicuelo, Mor­gan, Los Mambo, Xarim Aresté, Jofre Bardagí, Fal­ciots Ninja, David Bus­quets and Bu­fant Fort.

Mean­while, the fes­ti­val will draw to a close on Sat­ur­day Au­gust 24 with two evening con­certs pay­ing trib­ute to Fla­menco dancer Car­men Amaya, who was con­sid­ered by many to be “the great­est Span­ish Ro­mani dancer of her gen­er­a­tion”.

Festival de Música de Begur
July 27 - August 24
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