Who we are

Published by HERMES COMUNICACIONS, Carrer Falgàs, 13 17005-Girona Tel. +34 972 18 64 00 / www.cataloniatoday.cat / contact@cataloniatoday.cat.

Advertising: +34 972 18 64 38 advertising@cataloniatoday.cat.

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Letters to the editor: letters@cataloniatoday.cat.

Editor: Marcela Topor.

Chief editor: Miquel Berga.

Staff and Contributors: Neil Stokes, Matthew Tree, Martin Kirby, Terry Parris, Anna Vicens, Pere Gifra, Barney Griffiths, Brett Hetherington, Joe Hogan (text editor).

Design: Jordi Molins, Florentí Morante.

Web: Josep Madrenas, Teresa Mayayo (Web Development and Systems), Ramon Buch (Design), Ruth Sala (Webmaster).

Deposit Nº GI-322-2004 Printed by Rotimprès. Catalonia Today SL has a co-operation agreement with Grup El Punt on the use of content.