
El Grec

Far away West

This sum­mer, El Grec fes­ti­val takes au­di­ences on a jour­ney to Aus­tralia and Amer­ica. The aim of artis­tic di­rec­tor Cesc Casadesús is to com­bine new pro­pos­als with names that are not recog­nised in Barcelona but backed by their tal­ent and in­ter­na­tional ca­reer. The idea has also been to bring in artists from both sides of the map. For ex­am­ple, there is a co-pro­duc­tion be­tween La Gleva and the New York-based La Mama The­ater com­pa­nies. El Grec this year kicked off strong and made an early start, once again in the shad­ows of the sum­mer sol­stice at the end of June. The first night of the fes­ti­val of­fered strong emo­tions to the sound of con­tem­po­rary music, with the San Fran­cisco Kro­nos Quar­tet, the young tal­ents of the Esmuc music school, and the vi­sual artist Alba G. Cor­ral. Be­fore the per­for­mance at the Grec am­phithe­atre, the gar­dens hosted per­for­mances by stu­dents from the Esmuc.

El Grec this year also trav­els to new venues. For ex­am­ple, a recre­ational pro­posal (in the form of a bouncy cas­tle) will be take place in the Oval Room of the MNAC na­tional gallery (with an idea by chore­o­g­ra­phers Dana Caspersen, William Forsythe, and Joel Ryan).

Mean­while, for the the­atre fes­ti­val’s most faith­ful view­ers, there are three pearls to look for­ward to: Peep­ing Tom bring their tril­ogy to a close (Kind, at the TNC), Ivo van Hove re­turns with an­other mon­u­men­tal piece (Tan poca vida, com­pa­ra­ble to his Toneel­groep Am­s­ter­dam com­pany’s six-hour Roman Tragedies, ac­cord­ing to Casadesús), while Is­abelle Hup­pert of­fers au­di­ences a mono­logue loaded with ten­sion, di­rected by Bob Wil­son (Mary Said What She Said).

Festival El Grec
Until August 31
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