
Festival internacional de música Pau Casals

Casals and Bach

Pau Casals loved Jo­hann Se­bas­t­ian Bach, and for this rea­son the theme of the 39th edi­tion of the Pau Casals In­ter­na­tional Music Fes­ti­val will be Casals and Bach. Up to 30 pieces by the Ger­man com­poser will be per­formed at the fes­ti­val.

There will be two live per­for­mance pro­jec­tions on the mae­stro and seven con­certs with na­tional and in­ter­na­tional artists, such as the Ital­ian soloist and con­certist Giu­liano Carmignola, who will be ac­com­pa­nied by the flute play­ers Julia Gal­lego and Ma­g­ali Mosnier, and the Cata­lan or­ches­tra Orquesta Da Cámara for “The vi­o­lin con­certs” at the Pau Casals del Ven­drell Au­di­to­rium on July 16. Other per­for­mances in­clude Justin Tay­lor (harp­si­chord), Lucas Macías Navarro (Oboe) and Ma­g­ali Mosnier (flute).

Pau Casals Festival
July 12 to 23
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