
from the editor

An ideal summer holiday

As the hol­i­day sea­son ar­rives Cat­alo­nia, the fes­tive spirit of the coun­try comes alive through a vi­brant offer of fes­ti­vals and scenic touris­tic routes, draw­ing vis­i­tors from around the globe. From the coastal beauty of Costa Brava to the his­toric charm of Barcelona, the hol­i­day sea­son is marked by a joy­ous blend of tra­di­tion, music, cul­ture and ex­plo­ration. As every year, on the fol­low­ing pages of this spe­cial sum­mer issue you will find a guide to the most pop­u­lar music, dance, the­atre, cir­cus, and tra­di­tional fes­ti­vals that ap­peal to a wide range of tastes (pages 10-17). Be­yond the fes­tive sounds, Cat­alo­nia of­fers a plethora of tourist routes that show­case its nat­ural beauty and his­tor­i­cal her­itage. On pages 18-28, we offer a se­ries of the most at­trac­tive hol­i­day sug­ges­tions for all those who want to spend their sum­mer hol­i­days in Cat­alo­nia. The Costa Brava, with its rugged coast­line and charm­ing sea­side vil­lages, is a favourite among tourists. We strongly rec­om­mend the camins de ronda, scenic coastal paths that pro­vide breath­tak­ing views of the Mediter­ranean. In­land, there are many routes for local her­itage and his­tory en­thu­si­asts, es­pe­cially me­di­ae­val monas­ter­ies, not only a spir­i­tual jour­ney but also a cul­tural one, pass­ing through vine­yards and charm­ing vil­lages where vis­i­tors can savour local wines and cui­sine. For those en­chanted by the moun­tains, the Pyre­nees offer an es­cape into na­ture and ex­cel­lent op­por­tu­ni­ties for hik­ing and ex­plor­ing pic­turesque moun­tain vil­lages, with pris­tine lakes, lush val­leys and di­verse wildlife. Sum­mer in Cat­alo­nia is also a time to in­dulge in tra­di­tional culi­nary de­lights. The mar­kets like La Bo­que­ria in Barcelona, with stalls brim­ming with sea­sonal pro­duce, and gas­tro­nomic fes­ti­vals all over the coun­try are a must for food lovers look­ing for op­por­tu­ni­ties to enjoy a feast for the senses. This spe­cial sum­mer issue is an in­vi­ta­tion to im­merse your­self in Cat­alo­nia’s rich cul­tural land­scape. Whether it’s the en­chant­ing melodies of music fes­ti­vals, the al­lure of scenic routes, or the warmth of local tra­di­tions, vis­i­tors are sure to find the ideal hol­i­day for the whole fam­ily. Have a great sum­mer in Cat­alo­nia!

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