
Sons del Món

10 days of music in the fortress

The Sons del Món fes­ti­val re­turns to Roses’ Ciu­tadella fortress, the Costa Brava town’s most iconic land­mark, with a deluxe line-up over 10 days: Span­ish pop singer-song­writer David Bis­bal kicks off pro­ceed­ings (Aug 1) fol­lowed by Mal­lorca out­fit Antònia Font (Aug 2), Cata­lan crooner Ser­gio Dalma (Aug 3), Os­osana band Oques Grasses with elec­tro-pop singer Maria Hein (Aug 4), vet­eran Span­ish singer Luz Casal pre­sent­ing her new album (Aug 7), US diva Anasta­cia (Aug 8), Queen trib­ute band God Save The Queen (Aug 9), Cata­lan soloist Joan Dausà with singer-song­writer Anaïs Vila (Aug 10), and trap and reg­gae­ton group The Tyets with Cata­lan pop­ster Ariox (Aug 11).

A major sched­ul­ing change after the orig­i­nal fes­ti­val pro­gramme was pub­lished saw the Antònia Font con­cert ex­panded to in­clude fel­low Mal­lor­can singer Tomeu Penya and Juli­gan DJ (oth­er­wise known as Julián Sal­dar­riaga, the gui­tarist of Love of Les­bian) in a party dubbed ’S’univers és una festa’ after one of Antònia Font’s best-loved songs. The music will be ac­com­pa­nied by a wide range of food and drinks avail­able in the fes­ti­val’s ’Vil­lage’, which in­cludes tast­ing areas where vis­i­tors can try some of the local del­i­ca­cies.

Music and wine

In ad­di­tion, the Sons del Món fes­ti­val this year brings back its pro­gramme of small con­certs in local winer­ies. There are four winer­ies par­tic­i­pat­ing in all: Celler La Vinyeta in Mol­let de Per­al­ada, Celler Em­pordàlia in Vi­lajuïga, Celler Vinyes dels As­pres in Can­tallops and Celler Martín Faixó in Cadaqués. The music and wine pro­gramme will see Clara Peya per­form­ing on July 6 at La Vinyeta; The Lud­wig Band with Re­naldo & Clara on July 12 in Em­pordàlia; Maria del Mar Bonet on July 13 at Vinyes dels As­pres; and Al­bert Pla on July 20 at the Martín Faixó win­ery.

July 6 to August 11
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