
A countrywide celebration of culture

The panorama of summer festivals around the country is stronger than ever after the impact of the pandemic, with even larger format shows and new additions

In 2023, the cultural sector is back to full strength, as can be seen from the major concerts on Montjuïc

Sum­mer fes­ti­vals are now a cul­tural main­stay in Cat­alo­nia. That was al­ready the case be­fore the pan­demic struck, but al­ready in 2021 and 2022 there were clear signs of pro­gres­sive re­cov­ery in the sec­tor. In 2023, the cul­tural sec­tor is back to full strength, as can be seen from the major con­certs that have taken place on Mon­tjuïc, and the re­cent suc­cesses of Pri­mav­era Sound and Sónar in Barcelona, with El Grec and Cruïlla on the way, with two new fes­ti­vals in the city, Nits de Barcelona, in the gar­dens of the Palau de Pe­dralbes, and Soul in Poble Es­panyol. One fes­ti­val dis­ap­pears but two emerge: a good metaphor to de­scribe a sec­tor in full growth.

Yet be­yond the Cata­lan cap­i­tal above all music fes­ti­vals and con­certs – along­side events de­voted to the other per­form­ing arts – will pro­lif­er­ate this sum­mer all over the coun­try. It is hard to find a re­gion or county that doesn’t have a fes­ti­val and some areas have more than one.

Which is not to say there haven’t been losses, as some younger fes­ti­vals that emerged dur­ing the pan­demic have been un­able to com­pete with a sec­tor back in full swing. A no­table ab­sence is the Cadaqués In­ter­na­tional Music Fes­ti­val, which last year reached its 50th edi­tion. Mean­while, an­other clas­sic, the Cas­tle of Per­al­ada Fes­ti­val, will cel­e­brate a re­duced edi­tion this sum­mer , while a new per­ma­nent au­di­to­rium is built in the gar­dens of the Em­pordà cas­tle.

As ev­i­denced on the fol­low­ing pages, which are not an ex­haus­tive guide but pro­vide some sum­mer high­lights, the num­ber of fes­ti­vals over the next few months make Cat­alo­nia unique in Eu­rope. The sum­mer fes­ti­vals are one of the coun­try’s cul­tural and eco­nomic as­sets, at­tract­ing not only a huge do­mes­tic pub­lic but also le­gions of tourists who visit us every sum­mer look­ing for an ex­pe­ri­ence that is more than just sun and sand.

fea­ture Sum­mer fes­ti­vals

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