
El Grec

On a tightrope

El Grec Fes­ti­val 2023 of­fers 88 stage per­for­mances, in­clud­ing cir­cus, dance, the­atre and con­certs. Bring­ing to­gether local and in­ter­na­tional artists, the fes­ti­val got un­der­way with two cir­cus per­for­mances by the Grav­ity & Other Myths com­pany, and with tightrope walker Nathan Paulin cross­ing the iconic Barcelona boule­vard of Pas­seig de Gràcia on a steel cable.

Among the stand-outs at this year’s fes­ti­val is Car­lota Subirós with an adap­ta­tion of a Cata­lan lit­er­ary clas­sic, stage leg­ends De­clan Don­nel­lan, Nick Ormerod, Robert Wil­son and Ivo Van Hove, dance gi­ants like La Veronal and Sasha Waltz and Guests, and mu­si­cal icons such as David Lang (with the Barcelona Sym­phony Or­ches­tra and the Orfeó Català choir) and Rufus Wain­wright.

Some 50 ac­tiv­i­ties are part of the Grec Ciu­tat pro­gramme, which in­tro­duces new venues in the city such as the Dipòsit del Rei Martí, where Au­rora Bauzà and Pere Jou will per­form, or the Barcelona Athenaeum, where Òpera de Butx­aca will per­form Qua­tre solos soles. Other new venues in­clude La Muriel, where Sixto Paz will per­form, La Model, where you can see Jo, trav­esti, by Roberto G. Alonso, and the Muñoz Ra­monet Foun­da­tion, which will host A House on the Moun­tain by Al­bert Boronat.

Until August 13
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