
Castell de Peralada

Waiting for its auditorium

The Castell de Per­al­ada Fes­ti­val will be a dif­fer­ent edi­tion this year while it waits for its new au­di­to­rium in the cas­tle gar­dens, which is due in 2024. Yet the fes­ti­val will offer as much as it al­ways does, with a dozen con­certs and small-scale shows.

The Carmel church will host recitals by young tenor Fred­die de Tom­maso, clas­si­cal singing duo Diana Dam­rau and Nico­las Testé (Jul 29), Cata­lan singer Núria Rial ac­com­pa­nied on the piano by Rubén Fernández Aguirre (Aug 2), Amer­i­can tenor Jonathan Tetel­man (Aug 3), duo Ser­ena Sáenz and Xa­bier An­d­u­aga (Aug 5), as well as con­certs by the Cap­pella Mediter­ranea and mae­stro viol player Jordi Savall, who per­forms at the fes­ti­val for the sec­ond time with a reper­toire taken from the courts of Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI. (Jul 31). Mean­while, the cas­tle view­point will be the ideal set­ting for a solo per­for­mance by the fla­menco dancer Is­rael Galván and The Tele­phone, or L’Amour à trois, a one-act comic opera by Gian Carlo Menotti, under the mu­si­cal di­rec­tion of Ivan Mar­tin, the in­ter­pre­ta­tions of the Galdós En­sem­ble and the voices of so­prano Ruth Giménez and bari­tone Jan Antem.

The fes­ti­val also goes be­yond stage per­for­mances to offer ex­hi­bi­tions. This year, from July 28 to Au­gust 5, the clois­ter of Sant Domènec will host La lin­gua del corpo by Hèctor Parra. This ex­hi­bi­tion pre­sents six­teen red chalk draw­ings of Clas­si­cal tor­sos made by Hec­tor Parra dur­ing his res­i­dency at the Villa Medici-French Acad­emy in Rome.

fea­ture sum­mer fes­ti­vals

From July 28 to August 4
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