

Homage to the guitar & the arts

The 5th In­ter­na­tional Gui­tar Fes­ti­val in L’Hos­pi­talet de l’In­fant will pay homage to two promi­nent fig­ures of Cata­lan cul­ture: Joan Car­les Amat and Anna Dodas, with a com­bi­na­tion of music, paint­ing, po­etry and dance. The event will be opened by two pres­ti­gious mu­si­cians: the Bosn­ian lutist Edin Kara­ma­zov (pic­tured) and the Cata­lan so­prano Núria Rial.

International Guitar Festival - L’Hospitalet de l’Infant
From 20 to 24 July
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