

Begur welcomes the mother of folk, Suzanne Vega

Amer­i­can singer Suzanne Vega (pic­tured), one of the big names of folk in the eight­ies and now con­sid­ered the mother of mod­ern folk, or neo­folk, is one of the stars shin­ing at the Begur Fes­ti­val this sum­mer. Vega will per­form at the Es­coles Velles civic cen­tre on July 22. Pre­sent­ing their lat­est album, L’aigua clara, pop band Mishima will bring this edi­tion of the fes­ti­val to a close at the same venue. Also on the fes­ti­val pro­gramme are names such as Jaume Pla, bet­ter known as Ma­zoni, who will per­form on Au­gust 13, La Lud­wig Band, Ana Brenes, Massa, Bucòlic and An­thus, the lat­ter giv­ing a free con­cert on July 26 in the town’s main square.

From 22 July to 14 August
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