News from El Punt Avui


CaixaBank introduces facial recognition

CaixaBank has introduced bank machines which use facial recognition, avoiding the inputting of PIN numbers. The launch of the new technology, hitherto unused anywhere else, took place yesterday in four...

Junqueras on the attack


The twisted narrative

If we were wondering how long we’d have to wait to hear twistings of the story of the rally in front of the Department of Economy on 20-S, or the repression experienced on 1-O, it sure wasn’t long....


Khamenei says negotiating with US can only “harm”


Syrian spies arrested for torturing 2,000

Two ex-members of the Syrian secret service were arrested in Germany. The prosecutor’s office reported yesterday that they were being accused of crimes against humanity. The suspects were arrested yesterday...


Planning for more Russian missiles in Europe

NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg said yesterday that the alliance is planning a “conventional” response rather than deploying new nuclear warheads in Europe after announcements made by the US...


Emilio Lara wins the Edhasa prize for historical fiction

Anthropologist and teacher Emilio Lara has won the Edhasa prize for historical fiction with Tiempos de Esperanza (times of hope) a novel about war, fanaticism and fear, as well as friendship, love and...


2017 Sants blockade case dismissed

The case against nine people investigated for breaking into the high-speed train tracks at Sants station and blocking the high-speed line from 16.45 to 22.30 as part of the November 8, 2017 general strike...

Referendum trial: day 2

Owner of land where Julen died accused of manslaughter