News from El Punt Avui


Anti-semitic incidents in France up 74%


Film in Catalan language falls to 2% of total

Cinema is the last great medium in which the Catalan language lacks normalisation. After 39 years of self-government and linguistic policies and laws, the total audience figures watching films in Catalan...


Pro-Catalonia demos around the world

Action and support for the Catalan political prisoners and the right to self-determination came from around the world this weekend, with demonstrations being held in Brussels, the Basque Country and as...

Girona halts freefall with Madrid victory

Given how Girona has been playing lately, it looked as if they were heading to the abattoir as they made their way to Madrid, to play at Bernabeu. By 25 minutes in, with Madrid up by one, their luck seemed...


Trump asks EU countries to take 800 IS prisoners

Donald Trump continued his policy of announcing foreign policy initiatives on social media this weekend, and took to twitter to ask the UK, Germany, France and “other European allies” to take in and...

Rivera’s Spanish election campaign is all about Catalonia


“Go back to Tel Aviv”

The Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office has finally opened an investigation into the anti-semitic insults levelled at philosopher and writer Alain Finkielkraut on Saturday, when he hit the streets joining...

‘Human wall’ in Barcelona


Actor Bruno Ganz dies at the age of 77

Girona face Real Madrid; Espanyol take on Valencia

Girona face Real Madrid for the third time in a month today, at 12pm, after losing to the Madrid club over two legs in the quarterfinals of the Copa del Rey. Girona go to the Santiago Bernabéu in 17th...