
The influential English novelist George Orwell.
Book of the month

“1984” - George Orwell

Georgina Hardinge.  ARCHIVE

An Englishwoman in Valencia

Book review

A disappointing second serving

Not without some interesting observations of the US lifestyle, Matthew Quicks' The Good Luck of Right Now does not live up to his earlier offering, The Silver Linings Playbook

Vineyards in the town of Salses,with the Canigó mountain on the horizon.

Almost perfection

Eduardo Mendoza in an archive photo Archive
Book of the month

'In somewhat of a pickle'

The Rambla in Figueres, early last century.  ARCHIVE

Two worlds meet


The Gray Notebook

Reproduction of the sculpture of the Lady of Elche, at “El Huerto del Cura”.  Archive

A southern oasis

Port de Soller, 19th century. Archive

Back on terra firma

A family of Spanish migrants having lunch in their housein the suburbs of Barcelona.  RAFAEL USERO PRIVATE COLLECTION

The other Catalans