
reflections. Frank Bayer

Els Pets, real entrepreneurs

... they are sensible men and, what is more, their followers recognise that

The major value of Els Pets is their abil­ity to trans­form a de­fect into a virtue. At the be­gin­ning, they were not like those bands who spent their child­hood study­ing music, and prob­a­bly due to this lack of in­born skills, Els Pets has been able to de­velop show­ing us the nat­ural evo­lu­tion of a per­son whose con­cerns have changed at the same time his mu­si­cal style was im­prov­ing along the way.

Due to this evo­lu­tion, Lluís Gavaldà, the main com­poser, has learned the task of being a good mu­si­cian keep­ing the fresh­ness of the first days when he com­posed Vespre. That is the rea­son why nowa­days it is one of the most es­teemed groups in the coun­try, be­cause while other mu­si­cians record a new cd to earn money of a tour filled with old melodies, the fans of Els Pets are not wait­ing for a song about con­doms or a smelly fart, but in­stead want to hear di­a­logues about the tiny spaces of our soul where we keep our real world. So, we could point out the key of their suc­cess is that they are sen­si­ble men and, what is more, their fol­low­ers recog­nise that.

To tell the truth, the way Con­stantí's band works is going to be use­ful to analyse in these times where all the new prophets lie about how easy it is to be an en­tre­pre­neur, and as con­se­quence of that, a gen­eral man­ager of an en­ter­prise some­one set up be­cause of a bril­liant idea he or she had about a cool toi­let. That's why it's im­por­tant to de­fend the real en­tre­pre­neur fol­low­ing the fig­ure of this cata­lan group who has spent its whole ca­reer try­ing to find a new colour for each album, some­times get­ting it and an­oth­ers not, know­ing that they could have done it bet­ter. Then, if we do no ex­plain to stu­dents that being an en­tre­pre­neur does not mean to be an in­spired artist who does not need to work, in order to come up with new ideas, we are lead­ing them up a blind alley while they'll be blam­ing us for their fail­ure. So, we should move away from all these preach­ers which use the word in­no­va­tion be­cause they don't un­der­stand re­al­ity, in other ways, they talk about change with­out hav­ing any un­der­stand­ing of what change is, or as my grand­fa­ther said, they wor­ship change be­cause they are un­able to un­der­stand the truth that sur­rounds them. I'm just talk­ing about Els Pets as an ex­am­ple of a band which could teach us how to be suc­cess­ful in our jobs. Dur­ing these last months they have been tour­ing to cel­e­brate their thirty years with a set list of all their num­bers and after being there I would like to give them the best praise that a band could have: I don't' want to be like a Rolling Stone, I want to be my­self, singing l'Àrea pe­tita and think­ing that the fu­ture will al­ways be bet­ter than the past.

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