Food & Wine

food & wine. ANNA VICENS

Wine route through Pla de Bages

In the morn­ing

Més que pa­raules

The Jau­man­dreu es­tate has 55 hectares of vine­yard and is over­looked by a 17th cen­tury man­sion house. Be­tween the phyl­lox­era bug and the Civil War, the es­tate has faced a num­ber of threats, only to be res­cued a few years ago by the Mes que Pa­raules group, which is made up of young peo­ple trained in wine pro­duc­tion and with links to the Bages area.

The es­tate is lo­cated in the mu­nic­i­pal­ity of Fonol­losa, about 18 kilo­me­tres from the county cap­i­tal Man­resa, and some 70 kilo­me­tres from Barcelona. Over­looked by Montser­rat moun­tain, Bages is an area of con­trasts, with a land­scape of browns and greens, and fea­tur­ing a blend of tra­di­tion and moder­nity.

The wine pro­duced in the area is heav­ily in­flu­enced by the con­ti­nen­tal cli­mate, which the es­tate takes ad­van­tage of to pro­duce wines in har­mony with the local sur­round­ings. Jau­man­dreu pro­duces three mod­ern wines with tra­di­tional roots. One is a young white wine from the Pla del Bages made with a blend of Sauvi­gnon Blanc, Chardon­nay and the na­tive va­ri­ety known as Pi­capoll. The sec­ond is a young rosé wine of Mer­lot and Sumoll, while the third is a red that fea­tures the DO Pla de Bages des­ig­na­tion and made from Caber­net Sauvi­gnon, Syrah, Mer­lot and Sumoll va­ri­eties. Three mod­ern wines made with tra­di­tional grape va­ri­eties.

The es­tate also of­fers eno­tur­ism ac­tiv­i­ties, with vis­its of the house, the cel­lar and the vine­yards, in­clud­ing tast­ing ses­sions su­per­vised by an oe­nol­o­gist. It also has rooms for meet­ings and pre­sen­ta­tions avail­able.

Tel. 93 428 39 84
Web­site: www.​mes​quep​arau​les.​cat

For lunch

Brase­ria Pla de Bages


Sant Fruitós de Bages

The Brase­ria Pla de Bages is an ideal place for a fam­ily or busi­ness meal, as it easy to get to in the Santa Ana in­dus­trial es­tate. The restau­rant is spa­cious with qual­ity food that makes it the ideal venue for so­cial oc­ca­sions and cel­e­bra­tions.

The Brase­ria makes a range of tra­di­tional dishes with its own unique touches. Qual­ity local pro­duce is a main aim and the restau­rant is known for its meat dishes, cooked on the “josper” grill.

Al­though meat is the star of the menu, the restau­rant also or­gan­ises cof­fee breaks for com­pa­nies. It is open every day of the week and can pro­vide spe­cial dishes to order.

93 876 91 28.

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