
Barceloneta residents resume protest

Demands for abolition of tourist apartments; fears Barceloneta will become tourist-only neighbourhood

De­spite im­prove­ments in the sit­u­a­tion of un­con­trolled tourism and binge drink­ing that led Barceloneta res­i­dents to place both legal and il­le­gal tourist apart­ments in the spot­light last sum­mer, with nu­mer­ous in­spec­tions by Barcelona City Coun­cil re­sult­ing in li­cences being re­voked over the past twelve months, many prob­lems still re­main.

The un­civil be­hav­iour, es­pe­cially at night, of masses of tourists swamp­ing the beach­side neigh­bour­hood, to­gether with the rise in rents and local shops being re­placed by busi­nesses solely aimed at tourism have made life in­creas­ingly dif­fi­cult for long-suf­fer­ing res­i­dents.

This is the rea­son why they have re­turned to the streets. Two marches were held last week and more are planned for next week to de­mand fur­ther mea­sures to com­bat the ef­fects of mass tourism. Aware that the neigh­bour­hood is cov­eted for its seafront lo­ca­tion, there are those who fear that Barceloneta will end up being de­voured by a vo­ra­cious tourism.

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