The Eye

Sabadell, Nov 9, 2014 /

Photo: Oriol Duran

The older the stronger

This is Josefa Batalla, she is from Sabadell and she is 90 years old. One of the first to show up at the polling sta­tion on No­vem­ber 9, Josefa was thrilled at the op­por­tu­nity —at last— of giv­ing her opin­ion about the fu­ture of Cat­alo­nia. She was born a few years be­fore the Span­ish Civil War and she spent half of her life under Franco's fas­cist dic­ta­tor­ship.

In Scot­land, vot­ers over 65 years old were in­stru­men­tal in the vic­tory of the 'No' cam­paign. An­a­lysts said they were afraid of changes to their pen­sions and ben­e­fits. In Cat­alo­nia, it is ex­actly the op­po­site. The older the vot­ers, the stronger their feel­ings in favour of an in­de­pen­dent Cat­alo­nia. They knew Franco and they saw their hopes van­ish after his death. Now they don't want to leave this world with­out see­ing a free Cat­alo­nia.

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