
Joaquim Arenas


“Catalan is screaming out that it is dying; we must save it”

If a teacher speaks bad Catalan, it’s a bad model for the students

Joaquim Are­nas was the ar­chi­tect of the Cata­lan school and lan­guage im­mer­sion pro­grammes, a pro­ject con­ceived dur­ing the Franco regime that made it pos­si­ble for Cata­lan to be­come the ve­hic­u­lar lan­guage in class­rooms.

Cata­lan is los­ing so­cial in­flu­ence and is going back­wards. Is it dying or is there still hope?
It’s a com­pli­cated sit­u­a­tion. I think there’s a lin­guis­tic emer­gency and it’s good that we have re­alised that. Cata­lan is scream­ing out that it’s dying and we must all save it to­gether. The gov­ern­ment won’t. Every cit­i­zen must be a sup­porter of the lan­guage. Al­though it may seem dif­fi­cult, this must hap­pen. Oth­er­wise, we lose the great­est trea­sure that the Cata­lan peo­ple have, which is their lan­guage.
A weak and mi­nor­ity lan­guage. Have we been too soft?
Lan­guage de­fines us and has helped us to form Cata­lan thought. There­fore, any sphere that for­gets lan­guage, that doesn’t have it in mind as its first ob­jec­tive, is use­less. Have we been too soft? Maybe. The min­is­ter An­toni Subirà said this back when the text about the Span­ish lan­guage was drafted for the Con­sti­tu­tion.
Are there too many cracks in the sys­tem, al­low­ing judges to abuse Cata­lan quo­tas in class­rooms?
The lan­guage of a state is com­pul­sory, but the lan­guages of the re­gions must also be pro­tected. The Con­sti­tu­tion doesn’t do that. This gives rise to judges hav­ing a say in how many hours teach­ers must teach in Cata­lan. What do the judges know about learn­ing? Teach­ers must use the lan­guage as a sub­ject and teach in Cata­lan. They’re al­ways teach­ers of the lan­guage; if they don’t do this, all is lost. In the rest of Eu­rope, small lan­guages are treated very well.
Should some teach­ers be as­sessed in Cata­lan?
The fact that teach­ers are not suf­fi­ciently trained also puts Cata­lan in dan­ger. If a teacher makes spelling mis­takes on the black­board or speaks bad Cata­lan, it’s a bad model for the stu­dents. Teach­ers must al­ways be very com­pe­tent in the lan­guage they use. An­other mis­take that I think has been made has been the elim­i­na­tion of the Cata­lan Teach­ing Ser­vice, the Sedec, in 2006. This first ser­vice pro­vided by the Cata­lan gov­ern­ment had the mis­sion of act­ing as a spear­head to pre­serve the qual­ity and use of the lan­guage in schools. Its dis­ap­pear­ance has led to a de­crease in su­per­vi­sion and a loss of qual­ity im­ple­ment­ing Cata­lan in the class­room.
Cata­lan is the ve­hic­u­lar lan­guage in schools, but it’s going back­wards. Why is that?
It was from the mo­ment that the gen­eral ed­u­ca­tion law, the Logse, came out, that Cata­lan was sup­posed to be­come the ha­bit­ual lan­guage of in­struc­tion. And the term “ha­bit­ual” was used so as not to con­tra­dict the Con­sti­tu­tion. The Logse gives more strength to Cata­lan, but in prac­tice it re­moves the pres­sure of doing it well in cor­rect Cata­lan, with good teach­ing and qual­ity. I won­der where politi­cians and of­fi­cials were look­ing when the de­cline in the use of Cata­lan began in 2006. The law gives more pres­ence and se­cu­rity to Cata­lan within the school, and the ad­min­is­tra­tion thinks that this is enough and re­laxes. This is an­other big mis­take.
We even say our­selves that Cata­lan is very dif­fi­cult.
But we shouldn’t, be­cause it’s hurt­ing the good name of the lan­guage. It’s not dif­fi­cult for a child. They learn it and it be­comes com­pletely nor­mal. Span­ish is poorer be­cause it has nei­ther the weak pro­nouns nor all the vow­els of Cata­lan, but Cata­lan was struc­tured in a very wise way. This was done by Pom­peu Fabra, who as a chem­istry teacher ded­i­cated al­most all his life to struc­tur­ing Cata­lan gram­mat­i­cally. He is a char­ac­ter that I have al­ways ad­mired.

in­ter­view CATA­LAn lan­guage

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