Government to spend extra €8.8 million to expand Catalan courses and places
news Catalan language
The government has announced extra spending of 8.8 million euros to expand the number of courses and places in Catalan. The plan is to create 30,000 new places, which will be coordinated by the Consortium for Language Normalisation. The Minister for Language Policy, Francesc Xavier Vila, announced at the end of February that the initiative will entirely eliminate waiting lists for courses.
The plan is the result of an agreement between Esquerra Republicana and the Socialist government that allowed Salvador Illa to become Catalan president. Vila already announced in December his intention to “relaunch” the Consortium with an increase in budget and staff and he also highlighted the need for more training. This latest extra spending comes after the publication of the recent survey showing a fall in the use of Catalan.
The Consortium currently has 8,000 people on the waiting list, including teachers and healthcare professionals who need official language certificates to qualify for employment. The Department of Health estimates that around 70,000 professionals need training in Catalan, while the Ustec union indicates that some 4,500 teachers are also waiting.
To meet the demand, the plan includes hiring more Catalan teachers and extending the working hours of the current teachers. Thus, 131 teachers will become full-time, with the capacity to teach 1,128 courses, and 50 new teachers will be hired to offer 500 additional courses, with the aim of reaching more than 30,000 students. In addition, a new basic level certificate, A1, will be introduced to cover the needs of an estimated 50,000 people who need language accreditation.
Most of the spending (6.8 million) will be allocated to the relaunch of the Consortium. A budget of 1.5 million will be devoted to a line of subsidies available to municipalities, entities and unions to carry out courses, with another half a million euros going towards creating a Catalan self-learning application with artificial intelligence.