
Erhan Türkoglu

In the pursuit of liquid gold

I feel comfortable here. The culture is similar to in Turkey. They’re both Mediterranean. We extract the essence of the olive oil and turn it into liquid gold.

You are orig­i­nally from Is­tan­bul, tell me about it.
Is­tan­bul is a re­ally nice city. I was born there and lived there until I grad­u­ated as an en­gi­neer. Right after grad­u­at­ing I moved to Ger­many. It sounds quite a cliché, an en­gi­neer mov­ing to Ger­many for a bet­ter ca­reer.
But that isn’t why you moved to Ger­many, is it?
No, my mo­ti­va­tion was quite dif­fer­ent. My girl­friend was liv­ing there at the time, so I just fol­lowed her! She was in Ham­burg.
Did you move to Ham­burg know­ing you had a job wait­ing for you?
Orig­i­nally she was in Barcelona, as she’s from Cat­alo­nia, and I was so happy. Per­fect weather; I will have a dream life! Then she said she was mov­ing to Ham­burg and I checked the weather... I found an in­tern­ship and started work­ing for a multi­na­tional com­pany, but after three years of cor­po­rate life I said enough is enough. It was time to quit my job and chase my dream.
Now you do live in Barcelona, so how do you like it?
I have been liv­ing in Barcelona for a year. I re­ally like it, I feel very com­fort­able here. The cul­ture is quite sim­i­lar to in Turkey. They are both Mediter­ranean. Daily life is a bit noisy and rushed, so that is sim­i­lar. The re­ac­tion of the peo­ple, the way they talk and like touch­ing peo­ple and the ges­tures are sim­i­lar, too.
You said you came here chas­ing a dream, what was your dream?
After meet­ing my wife, I started dis­cov­er­ing Cat­alo­nia and Cata­lan prod­ucts more and more. And I was amazed! I told her, you have great prod­ucts here, such as wine, cheese, fuet and es­pe­cially olive oil – which is my main pro­ject at the mo­ment. I con­sider all these prod­ucts hid­den trea­sures, as they are not so well-known abroad. I couldn’t find them in Ger­many or other coun­tries I vis­ited. I didn’t know if this was due to a lan­guage bar­rier or brand­ing. So, I opened my com­pany here with the aim of help­ing craft pro­duc­ers to ful­fil their po­ten­tial in the global mar­ket.
Your firm is called Se­lec­tive Ex­port.
Yes, it’s a trad­ing com­pany and we con­cen­trate on Mediter­ranean gourmet food. We ex­port world­wide, Japan and the States are my main con­tacts at the mo­ment.
Let’s talk about olive oil. What is your lat­est pro­ject called?
Ed’o, the name comes from Esséncia dau­rada, which means ’gold essence’ in Cata­lan. I love the name, as it matches the prod­uct per­fectly. We ex­tract the purest essence of the olive oil and turn it into liq­uid gold. We had to shorten the name a bit so it could work in the global mar­ket.
Where did the idea came from?
To ex­plain I need to go back to my wed­ding day. It not only changed my life per­son­ally it changed it pro­fes­sion­ally, too. We got mar­ried in the olive oil groves of my wife’s fam­ily, in Al­cover in the Tar­rag­ona re­gion. We gave our guests a gift of a nice bot­tle of olive oil from the field we got mar­ried in. As time passed, our friends kept telling us how de­li­cious the olive oil was. One friend said he was sav­ing the last drops for a spe­cial oc­ca­sion. So, I thought, some­thing quite com­mon for us is liq­uid gold for oth­ers.
Is the Ed’o olive oil you pro­duce from your fam­ily’s olive groves?
Yes and no. We have two olive oils. The white bot­tle is from our farm. It’s called Ed’o Pure and it comes from the Tar­rag­ona re­gion, which is close to the sea. It has a fresh and fruity aro­matic taste. Ed’o Pure goes per­fectly with salad, soup, pasta and veg­eta­bles. Ed’o Or­ganic, in the black bot­tle, comes from the Montsant nat­ural park, near the Pri­o­rat re­gion. This area is well-known for its rocky land­scape and slate-based soil. It gives the olive oil char­ac­ter. So this oil is more in­tense with more body and goes best with hearty meals, such as red meat, stews and sea food.
Why is it dif­fer­ent from other brands?
The an­swer is sim­ple. We offer the best oil from the en­tire har­vest. This is how we do it. Nor­mally, most pro­duc­ers pick olives for three or four months of the year, from Oc­to­ber to Jan­u­ary. They try to pro­duce as much oil as pos­si­ble. But the olives are not ripe if you pick them early. Har­vest­ing the fruit be­fore it’s ripe means its mainly water. We analyse the en­tire har­vest and start pro­duc­ing from the week when the olives reach their max­i­mum ripeness. We just pick for one week and then pro­duce the oil from that. That en­sures the low­est acid­ity level.
Tell me about the cer­ti­fi­ca­tions you can get for your olive oil.
The extra vir­gin cer­ti­fi­ca­tion goes on acid­ity lev­els, there are other fac­tors as well, but the main thing is the acid­ity level. If the acid­ity level of your oil is less than 0.8% you can have this cer­ti­fi­ca­tion.
This is your first crop!
I’m so happy, so re­lieved. And the dream is to re­pro­duce this year, for year after year.
Let’s talk about the price.
Ed’o Pure (white bot­tle) is €79 and Ed’o Or­ganic (black bot­tle) is €95. And you can buy them to­gether as a pair. These oils are to be dis­played and served on the din­ner table. www.​edo-​oliveoil.​com

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