
Land of Chopin

An American writer and socialite captures the beauty and grandeur of Mallorca’s Valldemossa

Trav­ellers in Cata­lan Lands


So early next morn­ing, in a light open car­riage, we set out across the vega for Valldemosa. The dusty white road that ran be­tween low walls over which clam­bered hedges of prickly pear and cac­tus; the houses, with their walls shaded by deep colon­nades and marked in al­most every case by one or two tall palm trees; the olive groves; the aca­cias and fig-trees and sycamores that bor­dered the road, com­bined to make a truly African land­scape; while the ace­quias, or water-courses, hol­lowed in the tops of the walls to ir­ri­gate the thirsty fields, as well as the prim­i­tive water-wheels turned by blind­folded don­keys, made me think of the coun­try round Tunis or Tang­ier.

Grad­u­ally the moun­tains drew nearer, and as we ap­proached them looked gray and bald and dry. But when we came closer we could see lit­tle gar­dens hid­ing among the rocks, hedged in with myr­tle, car­peted with moss and bright with wild flow­ers. Higher and higher we climbed through the foot-hills, steeper and steeper grew the de­serted road, until, at an al­ti­tude of about four­teen hun­dred feet, we de­scried far above us a vil­lage with a church tower and a great pile of an­cient build­ings, long and ir­reg­u­lar in form, set upon ter­races and marked by ven­er­a­ble tow­ers: the old Carthu­sian monastery of Valldemosa. […]

We had come to Valldemosa with the prospect of a dou­ble plea­sure, for be­side our en­joy­ment of the nat­ural beau­ties of the place, we knew that a wel­come awaited us from the fam­ily who oc­cu­pied the old­est por­tion of the monastery, the part that had been the palace of King San­cho. Many well-known peo­ple—Ruben Dario, Sar­gent, Sorolla—had been their guests, and their li­brary, in an old tower that Jovel­lanos had oc­cu­pied dur­ing his exile, was filled with rare books and man­u­scripts, so we hoped that we should be plunged at once into the ro­man­tic at­mos­phere of the val­ley. This hope in­deed came true, for no sooner had we ar­rived than an evening was planned in our honor. A score of young men from the vil­lage, with their man­dolins and gui­tars, sang songs for us, es­pe­cially an an­cient type of bolero called El Parado […]

Among the guests were sev­eral who oc­cu­pied cells in the monastery. When I say “cells,” you must not imag­ine the an­choretic abodes, four by seven feet in size, in which cer­tain her­mits used to pass their lowly lives. For, when Don San­cho’s palace was given over to the Carthu­sians, the monks began the con­struc­tion of a great monastery (never quite com­pleted) planned upon so vast a scale that a stately church, two ceme­ter­ies and sev­eral clois­ter courts were en­closed within it. Each “cell” con­sisted of three vaulted cham­bers of goodly di­men­sions, one of which was the monk’s kitchen and work-room, the sec­ond his place for med­i­ta­tion and prayer, and the third his bed­room. [...]

All three of his rooms opened upon his gar­den, placed on top of a long ter­race and sep­a­rated from those of his neigh­bors by high stone walls but com­mand­ing a vast view of the val­ley, so that when he stepped from his cell he looked into un­lim­ited space upon a prospect that any poet might envy, filled with in­fi­nite va­ri­ety and mul­ti­tudi­nous de­tail: mon­ti­cles topped with pil­grim-chapels, rocks of strange and var­ied forms, and ter­races of al­mond, peach, and lemon trees that de­scended like giant steps to the nar­row open­ing in the moun­tains through which Palma and the curve of its shore could be seen. [...]

And so it is that these com­fort­able cells are now oc­cu­pied as coun­try houses by cer­tain Mal­lor­can fam­i­lies who ap­pre­ci­ate the charm of Valldemosa. To one of them at­taches a par­tic­u­larly ro­man­tic his­tory, for in it, strange to re­late, Fred­er­ick Chopin spent a win­ter with George Sand, who, ac­com­pa­nied by her two chil­dren, made a voy­age to Mal­lorca in 1838 in search of new sen­sa­tions. As de Mus­set had ac­com­pa­nied her a few years be­fore to Venice, so, on this oc­ca­sion, the young, blond Pol­ish pi­anist was her cho­sen com­pan­ion. Soon after their ar­rival, Chopin fell ill with the first symp­toms of the mal­ady that was to carry him off in the full prime of his life.

«Through Spain and Portugal » Author: Ernest Peixotto New York, 1922 Pages: 254-261

Ernest C. Peixotto

Pere Gifra

One of the five children of a family descending from Sephardic Jews, from early youth Ernest Clifford Peixotto (1869-1940) devoted his time and talent to art. The murals he painted for wealthy patrons and institutions throughout his career constitute today his most visible legacy, but he also excelled as an illustrator of articles and travel books. Born in San Francisco, where he took his first drawing lessons, in 1888 he moved to Paris to pursue further studies. The six years he spent there allowed him to meet some American impressionists and also to successfully display some of his paintings. When he returned to California, he was instrumental in founding a bohemian group, “Les Jeunes”, that briefly published a literary magazine. In 1897 Peixotto married the painter Mary Glascock, and began his lasting collaboration with Scribner’s Magazine. The couple published artistic texts and travelled across South America, Europe and the southwestern United States. As a result, he wrote the illustrated travel books Italian Seas (1906), Through the French Provinces (1909), Romantic California (1910) and Our Hispanic Southwest (1916). In 1921 he was awarded the Legion d’Honneur for his promotion of Franco-American relations. One of Peixotto’s post-war travel books was Through Spain and Portugal (1922), with relevant parts on Catalonia and Mallorca such as the description of the Charterhouse of Valldemossa presented here.

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