Catalans Abroad

A unique city

Why did you leave Cat­alo­nia?

I wanted to study Fine Art and the art acad­emy in Am­s­ter­dam was more in­ter­est­ing for me. I looked at the pos­si­bil­i­ties of study­ing in Cat­alo­nia and the pos­si­bil­i­ties in The Nether­lands where there were more pos­si­bil­i­ties to study and work at the same time, life was cheaper in Am­s­ter­dam than in Barcelona in those days. Not any more!

Why did you choose Am­s­ter­dam?

My boyfriend at that time came from Am­s­ter­dam. So it was easy to chose to Am­s­ter­dam. I came here and im­me­di­ately had fam­ily, friends and a house!

How long have you lived there?

Very long! In May it will be 25 years.

Are you happy with the job op­por­tu­ni­ties you found there?

Yes and no. As an artist it was not dif­fi­cult the first years but it got more dif­fi­cult later. There was a lot of com­pe­ti­tion even to find any job re­lated to arts that would give me a de­cent salary. Fi­nally I got a great op­por­tu­nity to study again, all paid by the city coun­cil, and to work as a civil ser­vant, which is what I do nowa­days.

What do you think is the best thing about liv­ing in Am­s­ter­dam?

Am­s­ter­dam is quite small and things are close by, you can be any­where within 40 min­utes by bike. This is fab­u­lous. All the streets have per­fectly de­signed bi­cy­cle paths and traf­fic lights which makes it a very com­fort­able city to get around.

What are the high­lights for a brief first-time visit ?

Apart of the canals, the Van Gogh or the Rijksmu­seum, I would rec­om­mend the mar­kets (Nieuw­markt on Mon­days and Sat­ur­days). There is a nice vibe. I would also rec­om­mend the Mu­seum Van Loon to ex­pe­ri­ence how rich peo­ple in the 18th and 19th cen­turies lived on the canals. Dutch cul­ture in the north has a protes­tant tra­di­tion and within this tra­di­tion it was seen as a wrong to close the cur­tains of your house (be­cause it meant that you had some­thing to hide). So many peo­ple still have them open. So I would rec­om­mend to dis­creetly look in­side the houses of peo­ple in the evening which is a great ex­hi­bi­tion of how the Dutch live.

And if vis­i­tors have more time or make a re­turn visit?

Am­s­ter­dam is also unique for its so­cial city plan­ning from the twen­ties and thir­ties of last cen­tury. They de­vel­oped an own style for this called Am­s­ter­damse School, it's well worth a look, for ex­am­ple the 'Het Schip' Mu­seum. It's a way of un­der­stand­ing the so­cial side of Am­s­ter­dam in those times. In the evening have a drink in a typ­i­cal Am­s­ter­dam 'brown café', such as 't smalle drinken (Ege­lantiers­gracht 12, 1015 RL Am­s­ter­dam) or café Wa­ter­looplein (Rapen­burg­er­straat 169, 1011 VM Am­s­ter­dam). I would also rec­om­mend get­ting out of the city. To bike around the area north of Am­s­ter­dam, Holysloot, Broek in Wa­ter­land, Zuider­woude, and dis­cover the an­cient is­land of Marken. The Film mu­seum 'The Eye' is a great build­ing, cer­tainly worth a visit.

What do you miss most from home?

The sun.

Do you plan to go back to Cat­alo­nia?

No. I don't like the work­ing hours nor the eat­ing hours in Cat­alo­nia.

Miquel Marzabal Galano is an engineer from Barcelona now working for the Amsterdam City Council


M.Àngels Ribas

Can you recommend a place to have lunch with friends?

Winkel 43 is a nice café with a big terrace to sit outside and have a nice lunch, Noordermarkt 43. At Noordermarkt there are other nice lunch-cafés.

Where would you have a special dinner for two?

REM eiland is a unique restaurant that not many tourists will know and it is a great place to have another view than the typical Amsterdam canals: REM eiland Haparandadam 45, 1013 AK Amsterdam

When is the best time of year to plan a visit?

Spring, summer or autumn, it is more bearable to be outside than in winter.

What is the best kept secret about the area?

The city has got many undiscovered places, such as Nieuwendammerdijk, which is a small ancient village that was engulfed by the city.

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