News from El Punt Avui

MEPs stand for Forcadell

TC denies freedom to hunger strikers

A plenary session of the Constitutional Tribunal (TC) has ruled to uphold the suspension of political functions by the Supreme Court last year, of president-in-exile Carles Puigdemont, jailed ex-vice-president...


Hunger Strike: don’t look away

It’s 14 days and counting that Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Turull have spent now, without ingesting anything other than water, a protest to which Josep Rull and Joaquim Forn signed up two days later. This...


Llimona sculpture in Generalitat


High speed train crash kills 9, injures 47

An accident involving a high-speed train in the Turkish capital, Ankara, yesterday, has left at least nine people dead, and 47 injured. The high-speed train crashed into a maintenance locomotive on the...


ECB reduces Eurozone growth predictions

The European Central Bank stimulus programme brought into being during the economic crisis will come to an end next month. In a meeting of the governing council, President Mario Draghi announced there...

A tale to justify intervention

European union

Sájarov prize for imprisoned Ukrainian director


Josep Bou: the PP’s candidate for mayor

The president of Entrepreneurs of Catalonia, Josep Bou, is to be the PP’s mayor candidate for Barcelona. He claims to want to stop the city from falling “into the service of separatism”. He is to...


Canadian arrested in China after Huawei case

The Vice President of the Huawei telecommunications giant, Meng Wanzhou, made bail in Canada, now she awaits the United States’ formal extradition request. Nevertheless China confirmed yesterday that...