News from El Punt Avui


PSC predicts election wins at all levels


US attempting to block war crimes investigations

The US will revoke or deny visas to members of the International Criminal Court investigating actions of US troops in Afghanistan or in other countries. According to Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, Washington...


Trump sees no risk in rise of white supremacy

US President Donald Trump sought to downplay white supremacy yesterday, upon being questioned after the terrorist attack in New Zealand. When asked if he saw white supremacy as a growing risk, he said...


Rebellion on Paseo del Prado

Marchena and Co could have taken advantage of yesterday’s demonstration to observe in the first person, without prosecutor intermediaries, or false testimonies from Civil Guards this particularly Catalan...


Adventure sports season starts in Pallars Sobirà

Pallars Sobirà yesterday opened the new adventure sports season with the first rafting excursions. The route went from Llavorsí to Rialp. The launch coincided with the new agreement with the Endesa utilities...


Government to move Franco’s remains on June 10

The Spanish government will move the remains of former dictator, Francisco Franco, from his mausoleum in the Valley of the Fallen to a state-owned tomb in the municipal cemetery of Mingorrubio, known as...


Students rally against climate change

The climate change movement led by 16-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg is picking up momentum around the world, and in Catalonia. Yesterday, protests took place around the country. In Barcelona,...

Quarter of people at risk of poverty


A tour through the life of Van Gogh in Barcelona’s Port Vell

Tajani’s EU role at risk after Mussolini remarks

Making light of fascism in European politics clearly still comes at a serious cost. Antonio Tajani, the Italian currently presiding over the EuroChamber, was embarrassed yesterday by the reactions to his...