News from El Punt Avui


Tax on polluting vehicles not to begin until 2020

The government estimates that the new tax on polluting vehicles, part of the climate change legislation passed three years ago, will begin to be applied from 2020. That is according to the vice president...

Dancing around the truth


Activists try to block far-right event


UN demands entry to Chinese Muslim camps

The United Nations has demanded access to the “re-education camps” in Xinjiang province, where more than one million Uyghur Muslims are imprisoned. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet,...


Yemen and rebels reach prisoner swap deal

At peace talks between the government of Yemen and Houthi rebels, a prisoner exchange was agreed. Martin Griffiths, UN Peace Envoy, spoke of “optimism” about the war which is “the worst humanitarian...

Chinese-US trade war: Huawei VP detained

The 90-day truce in the Chinese-US trade war, agreed by both countries’ presidents at the G20 summit, seemed fragile at the time, but the detention yesterday of one of the highest executives of Huawei...

The 32 “Trojans” acappella at Municipal and National theatres

AP-7/ A-2 works unblocked


Referendum judge to give back confiscated items


Notaries institute presents Borrás with award

The Catalan institute of notaries held the ceremony for the tenth Puig Salellas prize, which this year has been awarded to Alegría Borrás Rodríguez (Barcelona, 1943) the night before last. The event...