News from El Punt Avui


59,600 people visited Palau Macaya last year


France censured over Armenian genocide day

French President Emmanuel Macron’s announcement on Tuesday about making April 24 the national day to commemorate the Armenian genocide was met with controversy in Turkey. Yesterday authorities in Turkey...


UPC wants to up their number of female students

Only 25% of the students of the Polytechnic University of Barcelona (UPC) are women. To increase this percentage, the UPC is running the “Aquí STEAM” program which plans to encourage 9 to 14 year-old...


Skopje signs NATO accession protocol

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia yesterday, together with 29 NATO members, signed the NATO accession protocol. “It’s a historic day, it’s been a long journey,” said the Macedonian foreign...


Di Maio meets with “yellow vest” leaders in Paris

The Italian vice prime minister and leader of the 5 Stars Movement (M5E), Luigi Di Maio, met with prominent figures from the yellow vest movement on Tuesday to offer his support. The meeting, which took...


Aquatic bird numbers drop at Delta de l’Ebre


One third of glaciers doomed to disappear

A landmark report warns that a third of the glaciers in the Hindu Kush -Himalaya (HKH) region are going to melt because of climate change. This will have serious consequences for nearly two billion people....


Rato reports government pressured Bankia

The former president of Bankia, Rodrigo Rato, said yesterday that Rajoy’s government put pressure on him to raise provisions “without any legal basis” and unforeseen in Bank of Spain accounting standards”....

Referendum trial live

3,750 troops sent to US - Mexico border

The United States Department of Defence announced yesterday that 3,750 more troops were being sent to the US-Mexico border for three months, over this time they are to string up about 240 meters of concertina...