News from El Punt Avui

United Kingdom

Honda announces UK departure to aggravate Brexit fears

Turull and Romeva declare in court


Universities need €42 million to cover deficits

The Catalan secretary of Universities and Research, Francesc Xavier Grau, yesterday acknowledged that the 2019 budget needs to be expanded by €72 million compared to last year in order to tackle the...


Fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld dies in Paris aged 85

Fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld died yesterday aged 85. From the 1950s on, Lagerfeld developed his own style and worked for several firms, including Pierre Balmain, Jean Patou and Chloé, before collaborating...


Tension growing between India and Pakistan

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Jan yesterday warned India that his country will respond if it attacks, which could trigger a war in which the outcome would be uncertain. These latest developments are a...

Today Turull, Romeva, Rull


Catalan government to get ATLL keys


Double attack kills at least 17 people in Idlib

Two suicide bombings killed at least 17 people and injured around 30 in Idlib yesterday. Idlib is the largest city under the control of opponents to Baixar al-Assad’s government. The Syrian Observatory...


Archbishop reported for sexual assault again

The Vatican’s France envoy Archbishop Luigi Ventura, who is already being investigated for sexually assaulting a member of the Paris Mayor’s staff, was reported by another worker yesterday. According...

Exploitation in the tech industry uncovered

The Mobile Social Congress (not to be confused with the anti-Mobile World Congress or the socialist side of congress) is coming to Barcelona next week hell bent on promoting citizen awareness. This is...