News from El Punt Avui


Closing the door on creativity

“Whilst the Americans weren’t shy to show off Hopper, we were unwilling to do so with Roca Sastre”. This reflection on the Catalan realist painter, by Francesc Fontbona, interviewed today by Maria...


“Political prisoners” back at Arco festival


Potential nuclear attack map of US shown on TV

A map of US military infrastructure was shown on Russian public television. The map includes the Pentagon as within a five minuite range of the hypersonic missile being developed. Russian President Vladimir...


High participation in referendum on new constitution

On Sunday Cubans voted in a referendum on the island’s new constitution, which introduces some changes, including the recognition of private property but not the right to same-sex marriage. Of the more...

Judge did not order CUP raids

Students compete to promote inclusion

Over 13,000 students and 250 teachers from 193 different educational centers throughout Catalonia participated in the 35th competition for schools organized by the ONCE Social Group, entitled “Per mi...

EU and Arab League meet


Samsung shuns MWC and unveils new device early


Vatican child abuse summit yields no results

Contrary to promises made at the beginning of the four day Vatican summit on child abuse by church figures, victims’ associations and parents argued the event was “full of rhetoric and low on concrete...


Shuttle bus to Parc Güell will open by April 1st

Barcelona City Council announced that a new shuttle bus route from Alfons X plaza to the Gaudí-designed sculpture park, will be running by April 1st. The line was conceived with the idea of reducing congestion...