News from El Punt Avui


Ex- Vatican No. 3 behind bars for sex offences


Abubakar isn’t accepting Buhari’s election win

Nigeria’s current president Muhammadu Buhari won the Nigerian elections, although participation was low. According to the election commission, Buhari aspires to a second term because he got 15.2 million...


Terrassa council campaigns for zone 2 tariff for city

The Terrassa city council has set up the institutional campaign Volem Terrassa Zone 2 to demand the city be placed in the zone 2 metropolitan transport tariff and for the Catalan government to put a stop...


Temperatures hit record highs this February

Of the 144 weather stations of Catalonia 16 recorded the highest February temperatures for a decade hours before the end of the month. But this early spring has not just come to Catalonia. In fact most...


CEE won’t put together report on child abuse

The Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE ) is leaving the decision of whether or not to generate reports on cases of child abuse in the hands of each diocese. Its president, Ricardo Blázquez, said yesterday,...


Vatican’s silence on Cardinal’s conviction

The Vatican has refused to give any comment until any appeal process is complete, as Cardianl George Pell, the third highest ranking official of the Catholic Church in Australia, has been convicted of...


Yet more delays in Brexit ’meaningful vote’

UK Prime Minister Theresa May announced yesterday that if the British parliament voted down her next attempt at a revised Brexit deal, on the revised date of March 12th, she would submit the possibility...


Cardiac operation on youngest ever patient

The arrhythmia unit at the Sant Joan de Déu hospital in Barcelona performed a cardiac ablation on a 10-day old infant, this past January 4th - the youngest person to have had this operation worldwide....

Forcadell & Cuixart take on the state


“We’ll continue to attempt referendums, without violence”