News from El Punt Avui


Baby’s body found in waste container

An employee of the Montcada i Reixac waste collection service discovered the lifeless body of a baby in a container yesterday morning. The finding occurred when the worker was loading the organic waste...


European airspace closed to new Boeing 737 as “precaution”

Attacks spark discontent

Trump banks on having millions to spend on wall

Donald Trump is planning to reduce foreign aid and state department financing and increase spending on defence and the construction of the wall on the Mexican border, according to his budget proposal for...


Supreme court accused of trivializing violence


Putin is now denying internet isolation plan

Yesterday, the day after a huge protest against the Russian sovereign internet bill (a law which is being drafted in order to make it possible to disconnect the Russian internet from the rest of the world)...


Judges join the protests against Bouteflika

Over a thousand judges are refusing to oversee the April 18 presidential elections if current President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, who has been in power since 1999, runs. This is the third week of protests...


Eurecat robot to assist old people who live alone


Black man refused entry into far-right Vox party event

Vox refused to allow a young black man entrance into an event held by the far-right political party on Saturday in the Teatre El Canal in Salt, near Girona. The man, who was with his girlfriend, was turned...


Volunteers collect 5t of rubbish in the Delta de l’Ebre

More than 200 volunteers yesterday took part in the Per un Delta net clean-up campaign, organised by seven municipalities near the Delta de l’Ebre Natural Park. Some five tonnes of rubbish were collected...