Catalans Abroad

Carme Díaz


West meets East

Why did you leave Cat­alo­nia?

The first time, I went to im­prove my Eng­lish in Dublin and met my hus­band. So, the sec­ond time I left Cat­alo­nia was to go to live with him. To be hon­est, it made sense for me to go there and not for him to come to me, as job op­por­tu­ni­ties were great there, and I would not be where I am now if I hadn't gone to Dublin.

Why did you choose Shang­hai?

Ac­tu­ally, I didn't! After five years in Dublin, just mar­ried and sick of the rain, we de­cided to take a sab­bat­i­cal and go to Viet­nam, and this al­lowed us to visit other coun­tries in South East Asia. The next step was meant to be Aus­tralia, but the visa thing was get­ting over-com­pli­cated, so sud­denly we went to Shang­hai in­stead. Re­ally, it was never in our plans.

How long have you lived there?

We have been in Shang­hai for about three and a half years. Ac­tu­ally, my son was born in Shang­hai: half Irish, half Cata­lan, born in Shang­hai... imag­ine when older and some­body asks him where he is from, he'll say: “It's a long story...”

Are you happy with the job op­por­tu­ni­ties you found in your adop­tive coun­try?

In Shang­hai there are so many op­por­tu­ni­ties. I found a job with an Irish multi­na­tional just after ar­riv­ing, and it has al­lowed me to travel around Asia vis­it­ing fac­to­ries. Food safety in China is a funny job, be­lieve me!

What do you think is the best thing about liv­ing in Shang­hai?

The peo­ple I've met, our Shang­hai friends. The cul­ture is so dif­fer­ent that we end up hav­ing some­thing in com­mon with peo­ple we wouldn't nor­mally have had any kind of deal­ings with at all. I am rais­ing my kid in a com­pletely mul­ti­cul­tural en­vi­ron­ment. His friends are mostly from mixed cul­ture cou­ples, too: the US, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Italy, the UK, China (of course).

What do you con­sider the high­lights for any brief visit for the first time?

Ha! Truth be told, I found a job quickly and soon after I was preg­nant. So, I have not done that much tourism my­self. Of course I've seen the typ­i­cal spots (the Bund, Yuyuan Gar­den, Qibao town, the French Con­ces­sion, and so on), but I am not the best per­son to rec­om­mend hid­den gems.

And if vis­i­tors have more time or make a re­turn visit?

I would not rec­om­mend stay­ing in Shang­hai for many days. I would rec­om­mend vis­it­ing Guilin in the south, Xi­a­men by the sea­side, Bei­jing and the Great Wall, the Ter­ra­cota war­riors in Xian, Harbin dur­ing win­ter... To be hon­est, in China I have seen more fac­to­ries than sights.

What do you miss most from home?

Food... you can find nearly every­thing here, but not all. And what you find is at stratos­pheric prices! Also, the clean air. It is kind of movie like! And si­lence. Chi­nese cul­ture is very noisy.

Do you plan to go back to Cat­alo­nia?

I would love to, per­haps not in the near fu­ture, but I would like to have some kind of plan to go back. But if job per­spec­tives do not im­prove... I would go back, but not at any cost.

Carme Díaz is from Alcarràs. She met her husband in Dublin. The couple moved to Vietnam and finally they settled in Shanghai, where their son was born.
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