Food & Wine

Wine route through cava country

In the morn­ing





Se­gura Vi­u­das is one of the most recog­nised cava brands at home and abroad, a po­si­tion only reached after many years of ef­fort, in­no­va­tion and re­spect­ful cul­ti­va­tion of the Penedés land­scape. The ori­gins of Here­tat Se­gura Vi­u­das go back to the 11th cen­tury, dur­ing the Re­con­quest and its manor house, which can be vis­ited, is the re­sult of the dif­fer­ent uses it has been put to over nearly a mil­le­nium.

Apart from pro­duc­ing cava and wine, the com­pany has a com­mit­ment to learn­ing about, cat­a­logu­ing and pro­mot­ing the local bio­di­ver­sity. Thus, for years now, the firm has car­ried out an on­go­ing study into the ecosys­tem that has evolved over cen­turies around the vine­yards and the river Bitlles.

All of this makes Se­gura Vi­u­das ideal for eno­tourists look­ing to com­ple­ment the dis­cov­ery of new wines with an un­der­stand­ing of the nat­ural sur­round­ings. Vis­i­tors are re­galed, not only with in­for­ma­tion about the wine mak­ing process and its re­sults, but also the flora and fauna of the nearby river.

In­no­va­tion has been a key mo­ti­va­tion for the com­pany in re­cent years, as well as a care for the vine­yards that goes be­yond an in­ter­est in what they pro­duce. For Here­tat Se­gura Vi­u­das, it is im­por­tant to be con­scious of the sur­round­ing land­scape, its char­ac­ter­is­tics and uses. Vis­i­tors are en­cour­aged to walk around the vine­yards and dis­cover how, over the cen­turies, man has man­aged to es­tab­lish a mu­tu­ally-ben­e­fi­cial re­la­tion­ship with the land­scape and its in­hab­i­tants.

The com­pany of­fers a wide range of eno­tourist ac­tiv­i­ties, in­clud­ing the­matic talks on wine cul­ture, na­ture and his­tory, which re­veal the val­ues that are trans­mit­ted to the cavas and wines they pro­duce. There are also more tra­di­tional vis­its avail­able, which last about an hour and a half, and in­clude a tour of the vine­yards, the fa­cil­i­ties and an ex­pla­na­tion of the wine­mak­ing process, end­ing with a tast­ing ses­sion.

Tel.938 917 070
Web: www.​seg​urav​iuda​s.​es

For lunch

Cal Pere del Maset


Sant Pau d'Ordal

This is one of the best restau­rants in Penedès, serv­ing qual­ity food and pro­vid­ing a pro­fes­sional ser­vice for an af­ford­able price. The premises are spa­cious and mod­ern, while the ever-chang­ing menu is var­ied, with sea­sonal dishes and daily sug­ges­tions. The bun­y­ols de ba­callà and the crema de calçots de romesco are both highly rec­om­mended. As for the wine list, the restau­rant has a wide range on offer, mostly from the local area.

Tel.93 899 30 28

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