My Space

Caspar, actor

Es­capade The­atre re­turns to Barcelona with the cel­e­brated Eng­lish com­edy Din­ner for One. Cas­par, the pro­tag­o­nist, showed us around at Teatre Tan­ta­ran­tana.

1. Wooden Mush­room. This pos­ses­sion be­longed to my dearly de­parted mother. I re­mem­ber her darn­ing socks with it – she would place the wooden mush­room in­side the sock and then sew up any holes. Apart from its as­so­ci­a­tion with my mother, I like the feel of this un­usual ob­ject.

2. Jesters Cap. This is from my early 20s when I was the city of York's of­fi­cial jester. To­gether we had many ad­ven­tures: from fool­ing around on the streets of war-torn El Sal­vador to being ar­rested in Lon­don and then asked to per­form for all the of­fi­cers of Bow Street Po­lice Sta­tion (who later passed the hat so that I left with the grat­i­tude of my ar­rest­ing of­fi­cers and a whole bun­dle of money!).

3. Stan the Ele­phant. When my step-daugh­ter Emma was four, she didn't like this lit­tle ele­phant be­cause he's frown­ing, so I set about mak­ing him more in­ter­est­ing. I ex­plained that his name was Stan Dard-Ele­phant (that's what's writ­ten on the label) and began mak­ing him speak and an­noy­ing Emma with his trunk. She fell in love with him and so Stan be­came a leg­end in our house­hold.

4. Metal Gob­let. This beaten-up metal cup is a prop from "Din­ner For One" and has sur­vived many per­for­mances. James the But­ler fills it with all kinds of al­co­holic drinks as he toasts Ms. Sofie and be­comes ine­bri­ated. It holds many mem­o­ries of all the fun we've had with this crazy show.

5. Bag­piper. This lit­tle statue of a bag­piper was given to me by the chore­o­g­ra­pher of La Cubana on the open­ing night of our show Nuts Co­conuts at the Ed­in­burgh Fes­ti­val. The first time the fes­ti­val had ever pro­duced a show 100%. Crazy days, I worked with La Cubana for al­most a year on two oth­ers pro­jects but the high point was open­ing the Ed­in­burgh Fes­ti­val, es­pe­cially as most of my fam­ily is from Ed­in­burgh.

6. The Col­lected Poems of Dylan Thomas. This de­crepit copy of the col­lected poems of Dylan Thomas is one of my most prized pos­ses­sions. The cover fell off many years ago but I con­tinue to reg­u­larly con­sult and enjoy the work of this ge­nius. I think I bought it sec­ond hand when I was about 18 years old. I'd al­ready be­come fa­mil­iar with his work from the age of 14 when I went to see a the­atri­cal ver­sion of his bril­liant radio play, Under Milk Wood. Unique and in­spir­ing, his use of the Eng­lish lan­guage has never been matched.

7. Wooden Shoe. This cu­ri­ous item is ac­tu­ally a bot­tle opener. It was given to me by the work­ers in a shoe fac­tory in Ger­many. I'd just per­formed in the fac­tory and they gave me the shoe as a gift .

8. Main Stage Pass. This is my stage pass from last year's Sziget Fes­ti­val, a huge music fes­ti­val held on an is­land in the Danube in Bu­dapest. It was my sec­ond year per­form­ing at this fan­tas­tic fes­ti­val. I have the stage pass be­cause I was part of the open­ing act for the likes of Blur, Stone Roses, Nick Cage and Skunk Anasie. A won­der­ful ex­pe­ri­ence al­though it nearly ended badly last sum­mer when I al­most crashed into the singer of Blur dur­ing his con­cert!

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