
from the editor

Catalonia, World Region of Gastronomy

Since ancient times, Mediterranean civilisations have given humanity one of the most precious and everyday treasures that never goes out of fashion: the universal language of gastronomy. From the Greeks and Romans to the peoples of North Africa, passing through Occitan, Neapolitan, Catalan, Andalusian, Sicilian refinements... the contemporary world cannot be understood nowadays without the gastronomic contribution that flourished around the Mediterranean. Thanks to its privileged climate and geography, over the centuries it has turned into a great factory of ideas, innovations and tastes that have conquered the palates of the world, so that surely the first great globalisation of humanity was gastronomy. Catalonia is known as a land of contrasts, where culinary tradition is part of the cultural heritage, boasting a great number of internationally renowned chefs and over fifty Michelin-starred restaurants. Next year, Catalonia will be the World Region of Gastronomy. This well-deserved recognition not only celebrates the rich Catalan culture, but also its talent to innovate and adapt to modern times. It also brings challenges and opportunities. First of all, to promote the wealth of our country in the entire cycle that feeds the gastronomic culture: from farmers and local producers to chefs and restaurants. Secondly, because Catalonia has always been a stepping stone and has been able to take advantage of the contributions that have arrived from other cultures, and this is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate it. And, finally, because Catalonia has had the vocation to act as a leader in the Mediterranean region, and this is where part of its identity lies. While we await the gastronomic events next year, in this September issue we reflect on the challenges and opportunities they bring, and have a look at the essence of Catalan gastronomic culture, and how over the years it has known how to embrace tradition while encouraging innovation and sustainability (check out our feature and interviews on pages 12-22 of this issue).

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