
Sons del Món

10 days of music in the fortress

The Sons del Món festival returns to Roses’ Ciutadella fortress, the Costa Brava town’s most iconic landmark, with a deluxe line-up over 10 days: Spanish pop singer-songwriter David Bisbal kicks off proceedings (Aug 1) followed by Mallorca outfit Antònia Font (Aug 2), Catalan crooner Sergio Dalma (Aug 3), Ososana band Oques Grasses with electro-pop singer Maria Hein (Aug 4), veteran Spanish singer Luz Casal presenting her new album (Aug 7), US diva Anastacia (Aug 8), Queen tribute band God Save The Queen (Aug 9), Catalan soloist Joan Dausà with singer-songwriter Anaïs Vila (Aug 10), and trap and reggaeton group The Tyets with Catalan popster Ariox (Aug 11).

A major scheduling change after the original festival programme was published saw the Antònia Font concert expanded to include fellow Mallorcan singer Tomeu Penya and Juligan DJ (otherwise known as Julián Saldarriaga, the guitarist of Love of Lesbian) in a party dubbed ’S’univers és una festa’ after one of Antònia Font’s best-loved songs. The music will be accompanied by a wide range of food and drinks available in the festival’s ’Village’, which includes tasting areas where visitors can try some of the local delicacies.

Music and wine

In addition, the Sons del Món festival this year brings back its programme of small concerts in local wineries. There are four wineries participating in all: Celler La Vinyeta in Mollet de Peralada, Celler Empordàlia in Vilajuïga, Celler Vinyes dels Aspres in Cantallops and Celler Martín Faixó in Cadaqués. The music and wine programme will see Clara Peya performing on July 6 at La Vinyeta; The Ludwig Band with Renaldo & Clara on July 12 in Empordàlia; Maria del Mar Bonet on July 13 at Vinyes dels Aspres; and Albert Pla on July 20 at the Martín Faixó winery.

July 6 to August 11
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