
Food news

Mireia Rourera

Pizza to sandwiches

Sartoria Panatieri and Brabo chefs plan to open new venue in Eixemple district

A chef from Brazil and another from Madrid met while working at El Celler de Can Roca. After a while, they decided to embark on an adventure and opened the Sartoria Panatieri pizzeria. With a philosophy of using only local products and making their own dough, they have managed to make what many say are the best pizzas in Barcelona. But that’s not all: last year, 50 Top Pizza ranked the restaurant as the third best pizzeria in the world, a distinction that has brought them a lot of visibility. There are two Sartoria Panatieri restaurants, one on Provença and another on Encarnació, and they have also received recognition for their respect for the environment with the Green Oven award last year. Sartoria Panatieri makes pizzas for all tastes, including what was named the best pizza in Europe in 2023, which is made with roasted cherry tomato sauce, mozzarella and basil hollandaise.

Meanwhile, the two chefs also opened the Brabo restaurant a little over a year ago, in Gràcia, very close to the Regina Theatre. “At Brabo, we work with the same philosophy as at the pizzeria, which is basically to use only local products, to keep to traditional recipes and, in this case, grill everything on the spot. It’s the type of place where we would like to eat,” they explain. The philosophy appears to be working because after only a few months the restaurant was included on the Michelin Guide’s recommended list.

The two chefs say they want to keep growing and they will soon open a sandwicheria (sandwich restaurant) called Molla (meaning ’crumb’ in Catalan) that will be located in Barcelona’s Eixample in district.

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