Food & Wine

Wine cellar. ANNA VICENS

Wine route through Terra de Mallorca

In the morn­ing:

Mesquida Mora (Por­reres, Mal­lorca)

Mesquida Mora is a small, ar­ti­sanal win­ery, al­low­ing vis­i­tors to get to know each piece of land they cul­ti­vate bio­dy­nam­i­cally. The team is like a fam­ily, work­ing with en­thu­si­asm and pas­sion for a job well done, with per­se­ver­ance, de­ter­mi­na­tion and drive. With the de­sire to leave fer­tile and rich soils to fu­ture gen­er­a­tions, they man­age the vine­yards based on a di­a­logue with na­ture: plant­ing veg­etable cov­ers, ap­ply­ing com­post and bio­dy­namic prepa­ra­tions and using in­fu­sions of med­i­c­i­nal plants that help to achieve grapes of op­ti­mal qual­ity, an ex­pres­sion of the soil-cli­mate-va­ri­ety tri­an­gle. They have eight plots aged be­tween 3 and 65 years, cer­ti­fied by Eco­log­i­cal Agri­cul­ture. With cal­care­ous, clayey and red cal­lus soils, to­gether they draw a mo­saic of va­ri­eties where we find the first spec­i­mens of for­eign va­ri­eties planted in Mal­lorca co­ex­ist­ing with the na­tive Mal­lor­can va­ri­eties (gor­gol­lassa, prem­sal and cal­let). To stim­u­late the health of their vines, they also do all the work by hand fol­low­ing the most ap­pro­pri­ate star move­ments and plant­ing fruit trees be­tween the vines. As they say on their web­site, wine and life are one and the same thing, be­cause in the Cata­lan lan­guage the word for life, “VIDA,” con­tains wine, “VI.”


Tel: 971 647 106

For lunch:
Ca’n March (Man­a­cor, Mal­lorca)

Ca’n March restau­rant is the re­sult of the per­sonal and pro­fes­sional evo­lu­tion of a fam­ily from Man­a­cor, which started in 1925 as Fonda Ca’n March, and be­came Ca’n March Restau­rant in 2000, run by chef Miquel Gelabert. Ca’n March is a fam­ily busi­ness (now be­long­ing to the Chefs-in group) that pam­pers and takes care of every last de­tail. Aim­ing to be a gas­tro­nomic bench­mark in Mal­lorca, it has a cui­sine based on the qual­ity of the prod­uct and cre­ativ­ity, with rem­i­nis­cences of tra­di­tional Mal­lor­can cui­sine and touches of oth­ers from around the world.

Tel: 971 550 002

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