Food & Wine

Wine cellar. ANNA VICENS

Wine route through Terra de Mallorca

In the morning:

Mesquida Mora (Porreres, Mallorca)

Mesquida Mora is a small, artisanal winery, allowing visitors to get to know each piece of land they cultivate biodynamically. The team is like a family, working with enthusiasm and passion for a job well done, with perseverance, determination and drive. With the desire to leave fertile and rich soils to future generations, they manage the vineyards based on a dialogue with nature: planting vegetable covers, applying compost and biodynamic preparations and using infusions of medicinal plants that help to achieve grapes of optimal quality, an expression of the soil-climate-variety triangle. They have eight plots aged between 3 and 65 years, certified by Ecological Agriculture. With calcareous, clayey and red callus soils, together they draw a mosaic of varieties where we find the first specimens of foreign varieties planted in Mallorca coexisting with the native Mallorcan varieties (gorgollassa, premsal and callet). To stimulate the health of their vines, they also do all the work by hand following the most appropriate star movements and planting fruit trees between the vines. As they say on their website, wine and life are one and the same thing, because in the Catalan language the word for life, “VIDA,” contains wine, “VI.”

Tel: 971 647 106

For lunch:
Ca’n March (Manacor, Mallorca)

Ca’n March restaurant is the result of the personal and professional evolution of a family from Manacor, which started in 1925 as Fonda Ca’n March, and became Ca’n March Restaurant in 2000, run by chef Miquel Gelabert. Ca’n March is a family business (now belonging to the Chefs-in group) that pampers and takes care of every last detail. Aiming to be a gastronomic benchmark in Mallorca, it has a cuisine based on the quality of the product and creativity, with reminiscences of traditional Mallorcan cuisine and touches of others from around the world.

Tel: 971 550 002

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