
BCNegra returns with lifetime award for Jo Nesbo

The literary festival dedicated to noir and crime fiction celebrates its 19th edition with espionage and privacy in the virtual world among its main themes

The news con­fer­ence to an­nounce this year’s BC­Ne­gra pro­vided some clues about the focus of this year’s edi­tion of Barcelona’s an­nual lit­er­ary fes­ti­val ded­i­cated to noir and crime fic­tion. The venue for the event in the city’s his­toric Born neigh­bour­hood was half-hid­den amid dim al­ley­ways in a clan­des­tine at­mos­phere rem­i­nis­cent of the pro­hi­bi­tion era of the United States.

In­side, Barcelona’s coun­cil­lor of cul­ture, Xavier Marcé, was pre­sent along­side the writer Car­los Zanón, who in 2017 took over cu­ra­tion of the lit­er­ary fes­ti­val from the event’s founder, Paco Ca­ma­rasa, whose mem­ory Marcé paid trib­ute to be­fore going on to sum­marise this year’s 19th edi­tion.

The coun­cil­lor ex­plained that there will be some 50 ac­tiv­i­ties this year with the par­tic­i­pa­tion of 153 writ­ers tak­ing part in round ta­bles and dis­cus­sions, along­side film screen­ings, itin­er­aries, read­ing clubs, and even a lit­er­ary cabaret pay­ing trib­ute to French nov­el­ist Boris Vian, writ­ten and per­formed by Lluís-Anton Baule­nas.

The venues in the city host­ing most of these ac­tiv­i­ties will be the leg­endary La Paloma dance hall, the Jaume Fuster li­brary and the Mooby Bosque and Fil­moteca de Catalunya cin­e­mas, al­though there will be other events and par­al­lel ac­tiv­i­ties tak­ing place in var­i­ous com­mu­nity cen­tres, li­braries and cul­tural venues around the city.

The first thing Zanón did at the con­fer­ence was to an­nounce this year’s win­ner of the fes­ti­val’s Pepe Car­valho Life­time Achieve­ment Award, which will go to the pop­u­lar Nor­we­gian au­thor, Jo Nesbo, a for­mer econ­o­mist who has pub­lished 30 books, 13 of which fea­ture his un­ortho­dox de­tec­tive, Harry Hole. If that wasn’t enough, Nesbo is also a mu­si­cian who tours every sum­mer with his band, Di Derre.

“He richly de­serves this award both for the Harry Hole se­ries and for the stand alone nov­els. This award goes to the au­thor, but it is also a trib­ute to Nordic de­tec­tive lit­er­a­ture, which has pro­vided the genre with so much vi­tal­ity,” said Zanón. Nesbo will re­ceive the award at a cer­e­mony in the city hall on Feb­ru­ary 8 at 6 pm. The fol­low­ing day, the Nordic writer will be in con­ver­sa­tion with the jour­nal­ist Xavier Bundó, which will be fol­lowed by a screen­ing of the film The Snow­man (2017), di­rected by Tomas Al­fred­son and based on a book by Nesbo.

Ex­plain­ing why es­pi­onage and the world of spies was cho­sen as the focus for this year’s edi­tion, Zanón com­mented: “Through what we post on so­cial media and the mon­i­tor­ing of our on­line con­sump­tion, we have lost a level of pri­vacy that we would have fought for just a few decades ago. New tech­nol­ogy has made it pos­si­ble for all of us to be spied on and for all of us to eas­ily be­come spies.”

Many of the au­thors tak­ing part are in­ter­na­tional and in­clude such names as Alan Parks, Kike Fer­rari, Ali­cia Giménez Bartlett, An­dreu Martín, Ed­uardo Men­doza, Rosa Ribas, Toni Hill, Rosa Mon­tero, Bernard Minier, Marc Pas­tor, Car­les Porta, Chris Offut, Empar Fernández, Mari­bel Tor­res, Sil­vestre Vi­la­plana, Damià del Clot, Tuli Márquez, Xavier Aliaga, Aro Sáinz de la Maza, Anna Maria Vil­la­longa and Àlex Martín.

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