
The concerts of 2024

Bruce Springsteen, Estopa and Rammstein will be at the Olympic Stadium, with Depeche Mode, Olivia Rodrigo and Manolo García at the nearby Sant Jordi

De­peche Mode, Ramm­stein, Olivia Ro­drigo, Bruce Spring­steen, Estopa... it looks like 2024 will be an­other year of great con­certs on Barcelona’s Mon­tjuïc moun­tain, with 50 per­for­mances al­ready sched­uled at the Palau Sant Jordi arena, the Sant Jordi Club venue and, so far, three macro shows at the Lluís Com­pa­nys Olympic Sta­dium.

Let’s take a look at how the 2024 mu­si­cal agenda is shap­ing up, start­ing with the con­certs that will at­tract the largest au­di­ences. Bruce Spring­steen & the E Street Band re­turn to the Olympic Sta­dium on June 20, al­ready sold out, and June 22, which at the time of writ­ing still had a few tick­ets avail­able. Un­like last year, the Boss is not start­ing his tour in Barcelona but will get to the Cata­lan cap­i­tal after stops in such cities as Dublin, Mar­seille, Milan and Madrid.

In the same month at the Olympic Sta­dium, Ger­man out­fit Ramm­stein are due on June 11, some 11 years since their last visit to Barcelona and 26 since they made their debut in the city. Then on July 10, Estopa will be­come the first Cata­lan group to play a solo con­cert in the sta­dium as the rock/rumba duo from Cor­nellà de Llo­bre­gat cel­e­brate 25 years on stage and pre­sent their new album due out in March.

In the nearby Palau Sant Jordi, Jan­u­ary kicked off with con­certs by Joan Dausà and Laura Pausini, which will be fol­lowed by Bad Gyal (Feb 9), De­peche Mode (Mar 16), Nil Mo­liner (Apr 20), The World of Hans Zim­mer (Apr 24), An­drea Bo­celli (May 1), Manolo García (May 18 & Nov 30), Jonas Broth­ers (May 25), South Ko­rean girl group Ive (Jun 7), Maná (Jun 9), Marc An­thony (Jun 13), Olivia Ro­drigo (Jun 18), Camilo (Jul 3), Chris­t­ian Nodal (Jul 12) and Luis Miguel (Jul 17 & 18).

Con­certs at the Sant Jordi Club in­clude Idles (Mar 2), Jason Derulo (Apr 2), a night of old-school heavy metal with Judas Priest, Saxon and Uriah Heep (Jun 13) and later in the year Jacob Col­lier (Nov 4), Tyets (Nov 15 & 16) and Within Temp­ta­tion (Nov 23). Yet this year in Barcelona there will be no Tay­lor Swift, Metal­lica or Karol G, all of whom will only per­form in Madrid.

Small venues at full ca­pac­ity

As for the city’s smaller venues, there is no short­age of at­trac­tive pro­pos­als this year. Razzmatazz boasts a pro­gramme of gigs that in­clude Slow­dive (Feb 5), Mu­jeres (Feb 10), Crys­tal Fight­ers (Feb 16), The Aus­tralian Pink Floyd (Feb 21), Swans (Feb 22), Xoel López (Mar 15), Mr. Big (Mar 30), The Warn­ing (Apr 8), Tom Odell (Apr 9), Jolie Hol­land (Apr 11). Sôber (Apr 13), Die Antwo­ord (Apr 18 & 19) and The Hel­la­copters (May 28).

Mean­while, the Apolo con­cert venue will wel­come the likes of Iseo & Do­dosound (Feb 20 & 21), Ma­zoni (Feb 24), Maria Hein (Feb 29), Quique González (Mar 2), Ana Ti­joux (Mar 9), Acid Arab (Mar 14), Roba Es­tesa (Mar 21), Las Migas (Apr 5), Maria Jaume (Apr 10), Yard Act (Apr 11), Guillem Gis­bert (May 3) and La Fúmiga (May 11). And a few me­tres away, the Paral·lel 62 venue will have per­for­mances by Her­manos Gutiérrez (Apr 2), Ginestà (Apr 12) and Gos­sos (Apr 25).

As for the his­toric Side­car in Plaça Reial, which has re­cently changed own­er­ship after 40 years, there are only a few con­certs sched­uled, in­clud­ing The Bevis Frond (Apr 12) and Alain Jo­hannes (Apr 18).

How­ever, the Up­load venue on Mon­tjuïc will host a num­ber of con­certs, in­clud­ing Susan San­tos (Feb 11), Is­rael Nash (Feb 25) and the UK’s Nine Below Zero (Apr 16), and La Nau will have con­certs by Jay-Jay Jo­hans­son (Feb 16), Var­gas Blues Band (Mar 10) and Willie Nile (Mar 24).

In neigh­bour­ing Hos­pi­talet de Llo­bre­gat, the Sala­man­dra con­cert venue will wel­come La Lud­wig Band (Feb 17, per­form­ing in tan­dem with Remei de Ca la Fresca as part of the Lets Fes­ti­val) and Am­para­noia (Feb 22).

The var­i­ous music fes­ti­vals sched­uled in and around Barcelona al­ready have the bulk of their pro­grammes filled. Gui­tar BCN, for ex­am­ple, has con­firmed per­for­mances by the likes of Is­mael Ser­rano (Feb 29, Teatre Col­i­seum), An­drea Motis (Mar 8, La Paloma), Coque Malla (Mar 22, Palau de la Música), Ro­drigo Cuevas (Mar 22, Liceu), Los Ti­gres del Norte (Apr 7, Forum) and sum­mer con­certs by Loreena McKen­nitt (Jul 4, Forum) and Toto (Jul 26, Poble Es­panyol).

Mean­while, the Mil­len­nium Fes­ti­val will fea­ture con­certs by Paco Ibáñez (Aprl 3, Palau de la Música), Lo­quillo (May 17, Liceu) and Adamo (18, Palau), and Badalona’s Blues & Ritmes fes­ti­val will wel­come Eli Pa­per­boy Reed, Sam Out­law, Jim Laud­erdale & Los Her­manos Cubero, La Santa Ce­cilia and Vieux Farka Touré from April 12 to 21.

As for the Bar­nas­ants fes­ti­val, it al­ready kicked off on Jan­u­ary 26 and by the end of May will fea­ture a hun­dred per­for­mances by the likes of Alba Careta and Hen­rio, Gemma Humet and Toti Soler and a recital com­mem­o­rat­ing the 50th an­niver­sary of Por­tu­gal’s Car­na­tion Rev­o­lu­tion. And last but not least, Alba Pu­jals will in­au­gu­rate Ter­rassa’s 43rd Jazz Fes­ti­val on March 1, fea­tur­ing con­certs by such artists as Je­remy Pelt, Bobo Sten­son and Erik Tr­u­fazz.


Summer festivals

The spring and summer festivals began the year announcing their programmes. From May 29 to June 2, Primavera Sound will feature Lana del Rey, Pulp, The National and PJ Harvey. Sónar announced the first names at its 31st edition from June 13 to 15, including Jessie Ware, Floating Points, Charlotte de Witte and Kaytranda. Cruïlla will be eclectic as usual, with the likes of Smashing Pumpkins, Avril Lavigne, Amaral, Oques Grasses, The Tyets, 31Fam and Figa Flawas, from July 10 to 13. That follows Vilanova i la Geltrú’s Vida festival (Jul 4-6), with James Blake, Ride, Los Planetas, Sílvia Pérez Cruz, Ty Segall and the reunited Standstill. Rock Fest in Santa Coloma de Gramenet returns from July 5 to 7 with Deep Purple, Michael Schenker, Europe and Wolfmother, with most of the programme still to be announced. The same weekend will be Canet Rock, with Oques Grasses, The Tyets and Els Catarres. Other highlights are the Alma festival in Poble Espanyol and Nits de Barcelona in the Pedralbes gardens. The former boasting Sheryl Crow (Jun 24) and the latter with concerts by Patti Smith (Jul 5) and Sopa de Cabra (Jul 11).

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