

Mediterranean sounds

Por­tal­blau has al­ways been a fes­ti­val com­mit­ted to cul­ture, so­ci­ety and the en­vi­ron­ment and once again it in­vites you to ex­pe­ri­ence the Mediter­ranean in a holis­tic way and be­yond the re­gion’s po­lit­i­cal and eco­nomic con­cerns. Be­tween July 14 and Au­gust 12, the 16th edi­tion of the Por­tal­blau fes­ti­val will once again fill the most iconic spaces of l’Es­cala with music, the­atre, dance, lit­er­a­ture, de­bate, train­ing ses­sions and re­flec­tion: the Mar d’en Man­assa, the Fòrum Romà, the Alfolí de la Sal, the Clos del Pas­tor and also the Greek wall of Empúries.

Renowned artists such as Judit Ned­der­mann, Joan Dausà, Els Amics de les Arts, Blau­mut, Pau Vallvé, the young artist La Helen, Míriam Cano and Mazen Maarouf, the GIO Sym­pho­nia con­ducted by Francesc Prat & the singer Mar­i­ola Mem­brives, the actor, dancer and per­former Àngel Duran, Dafniz Bal­duz and Anna Bor­rego, and the Menor­can artist Anna Fer­rer, are some of the promi­nent names fea­tur­ing in the pro­gramme this sum­mer. Some of the shows are free, while the oth­ers will cost be­tween 18 and 36 euros.

From July 14 to August 12
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