
Notes al parc

Girona brings music to its parks

Pro­mot­ing local cul­ture and bring­ing new au­di­ences closer to mod­ern and clas­si­cal music are the good in­ten­tions be­hind the Notes al parc se­ries of con­certs, or­gan­ised by Girona city coun­cil, through La Marfà-Cen­tre de Creació Mu­si­cal and the Au­di­to­rium of Girona from July 8 to Au­gust 23.

This year reach­ing its sev­enth edi­tion, Girona’s se­ries of sum­mer open-air con­certs has this year in­cluded a dozen free-to-at­tend mu­si­cal per­for­mances in dif­fer­ent parks and squares in dif­fer­ent neigh­bour­hoods of the city. Start­ing at 8pm, the se­ries kicks off with a con­cert by the Duo Enxe­bre in the Emita del Cal­vari, and is brought to a close with Mar Gim­ferré and Marc Piqué in Plaça de les Botxes.

Just about all the mu­si­cal artists par­tic­i­pat­ing in this edi­tion of the se­ries of con­certs are part of dif­fer­ent pro­jects linked to the var­i­ous sup­port pro­grammes de­vel­oped by La Marfà-Cen­tre de Creació Mu­si­cal. Manel Fortià Trio, Girona Jazz Pro­ject Big Band, Sara Ter­raza, Duo Enxe­bre, Car­ola Ortiz, Cor de Teatre, the Youth Or­ches­tra of the Girona Coun­ties and the duo Arar will per­form in the open air on dif­fer­ent stages around the city.

In Plaça de les Botxes, in the mid­dle of the De­vesa park, the pub­lic will be able to enjoy the sym­phonic poem in­cor­po­rat­ing dif­fer­ent artis­tic dis­ci­plines, Mar de sang by Cesc Coromi­nas, as well as po­etry by As­sumpta Rodeja, and the con­certs by pi­anist Roman Lopatyn­skyi, so­prano Tina Go­rina with pi­anist Stanislav An­gelov, and young cel­list Mar Gim­ferré with pi­anist Marc Piqué.

From July 6 to August 24
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