
judit neddermann


“I’ve reconnected with peace to make my music”

“I think I’ve confirmed I have a characteristic way of making music, a sound that hasn’t been easy to find”

Judit Ned­der­mann (Vi­las­sar de Mar, 1991) pre­mieres Lar (Uni­ver­sal / Música Global), a joy­ous fifth album full of light that stems, she says, from hav­ing re­con­nected with her­self.

What is this Lar you refer to in the album title?
I needed a con­cept, like air, that was the same in dif­fer­ent lan­guages, since the lyrics are once again in Cata­lan, Span­ish and some Por­tuguese. I found this word, which is of Latin ori­gin, and in Span­ish and Por­tuguese has been main­tained and, in Cata­lan, has evolved to mean home. I liked it, in part, be­cause I made the record after re­con­nect­ing with my­self.
There was re­peated talk that Ju­dith Ned­der­man’s big mo­ment had come... And then the pan­demic hit.
Yes, and I re­alised that things would have to be done lit­tle by lit­tle, which is how I’ve al­ways done them. And with good lyrics. It was a good learn­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, be­cause the truth is that things were look­ing very good just be­fore the pan­demic. A path opened up, with Aire, to per­form all over Spain, South Amer­ica... And I ended up doing it, but every­thing went slower than I thought. But that’s made me re­think what makes me happy and what I need. I’ve re­dis­cov­ered the peace I need to make music, which is what makes the vast ma­jor­ity of these new songs exude a lot of love, a lot of light.
I’ve heard you say Aire is a raw, less friendly record.
Yes, it was a much more in­ti­mate record, less ex­pan­sive than Lar, where we de­cided to record a lot of gui­tars and a lot of per­cus­sion. It even has a dance­able side to it. The pro­duc­tion by Pau and Arnau Figueras is im­por­tant in that re­gard. After being pro­duced by both of them sep­a­rately, I sug­gested they do it to­gether this time and it’s been a good com­bi­na­tion.
There’s a song called Cel­e­brate. What is it you have to cel­e­brate?
That I have a solid ca­reer and I live from my own music, with a team of peo­ple who in­spire me a lot and who are row­ing in the same di­rec­tion. I feel the fu­ture is ex­cit­ing.
Aside from your own al­bums you’ve been the singer of Co­e­tus and The Gramo­phone All­stars. Has it been dif­fi­cult for you to fi­nally find a place to feel fully com­fort­able in the artis­tic field?
Yes, this al­ready began to hap­pen with Aire, and now with this one, I think I’ve con­firmed that I have a char­ac­ter­is­tic way of mak­ing music, a sound that hasn’t been easy to find. Some­times these things are un­fair, be­cause when some­one finds a way to ex­press them­selves mu­si­cally there are al­ways those who say, “She al­ways does the same thing!”, but lis­ten­ing to some­one and being able to iden­tify them is very valu­able, I think. In any case, I’ve never felt that I’m re­peat­ing my­self, but I no­tice that I’m stretch­ing my­self a bit fur­ther on each album, es­pe­cially in terms of com­po­si­tion.
And you’re grow­ing as a singer.
I feel at peace singing. I’ve found a sound I like and feel like I’m on firmer ground. Going into the record­ing stu­dio and hear­ing my own tim­bre is an ex­pe­ri­ence that sat­is­fies me. Some­times when I lis­ten to old record­ings, I hear things I wouldn’t do now, like too many nasal sounds, but I don’t ob­sess over those de­tails ei­ther.
Do you take any lan­guage bal­ance into ac­count, singing in Cata­lan, Span­ish and Por­tuguese?
I try to make it com­pletely nat­ural, be­cause singing in dif­fer­ent lan­guages comes nat­u­rally to me. When I com­pose and make a melody, the lyrics come out in what­ever lan­guage they come out in. And this is so spon­ta­neous that, later, it be­comes very strange to want to redi­rect it to an­other place.

in­ter­view music

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