Food & Wine

Wine cellar. ANNA VICENS

Wine route through D. O. Terra Alta

In the morn­ing:

Celler Ri­alla (Batea)

Celler Ri­alla is a small win­ery lo­cated in the mu­nic­i­pal­ity of Batea, in Terra Alta. It was founded in 2016 as a re­sult of the en­thu­si­asm of three young peo­ple rooted in the ter­ri­tory and with the idea of ”trans­form­ing hap­pi­ness into wine”. The sib­lings Roger and Su­sanna, to­gether with their cousin Sergi, are the three young wine­grow­ers who ini­ti­ated this beau­ti­ful pro­ject.

All three grew up sur­rounded by vine­yards and with grand­par­ents and par­ents who have passed on their pas­sion for wine from a very young age. Ri­alla was born with them, with the idea of trans­mit­ting joy, pos­i­tiv­ity and op­ti­mism in any sit­u­a­tion, al­ways look­ing ahead with­out ever stop­ping smil­ing, hence the name of the pro­ject: RI­ALLA (laugh­ter).

They work their own vine­yards with care, re­spect­ing the en­vi­ron­ment as much as pos­si­ble, with eco­log­i­cal and sus­tain­able agri­cul­ture. They make sin­gle va­ri­ety and au­tochtho­nous white and ’pe­luda’ Grenache wines.

One of their wines, the rosé Ri­alla, made with Gar­natxa Pe­luda, is a lim­ited pro­duc­tion that came out of the 2020 har­vest, and with which they help fund re­search into retinoblas­toma, the most com­mon eye tu­mour in chil­dren under six years of age, con­ducted by the Fun­dació La Nineta dels Ulls. This foun­da­tion works to ad­vance re­search and knowl­edge of the dis­ease and to be able to im­prove the de­tec­tion, treat­ment and qual­ity of life of chil­dren af­fected by retinoblas­toma. Celler Ri­alla al­lo­cates part of the prof­its of this wine to the foun­da­tion.


For lunch:
Horta de Sant Joan (Hostal Casa Bar­celó)

In Horta de Sant Joan, the town that Pi­casso fell in love with, vis­i­tors will find the Casa Bar­celó, a rural hos­tel with a sim­ple and fam­ily-friendly at­mos­phere that will allow them to enjoy the best of this beau­ti­ful re­gion lo­cated at the foot of the Ports de Tor­tosa Nat­ural Park.

At the inn, you can enjoy sim­ple, com­plete and bal­anced Mediter­ranean cui­sine made using nat­ural prod­ucts from the land. The kings of the table are the stews, made with game meat, such as wild boar. It is a place where you can enjoy the dishes of the area, cooked in a tra­di­tional casse­role, such as beans with sausage, spinach, cut­tle­fish, soups, seafood or veg­etable of all sorts,... and orig­i­nal sal­ads, which vary ac­cord­ing to the time of year.

Tel: 977 435 353

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