
Sílvia Congost


“Every relationship can end up becoming toxic”

“It’s not what we say that matters, but what we do” “WE SHOULDN’T MAKE COMMITMENTS WHILE FALLING IN LOVE”
What is a toxic re­la­tion­ship?
Ba­si­cally a re­la­tion­ship that makes us suf­fer. Ei­ther be­cause it doesn’t allow for as­pects im­por­tant to us be­cause we think in a dif­fer­ent way about es­sen­tial is­sues, or be­cause there’s mis­treat­ment through abu­sive be­hav­iour, vi­o­lence or dis­re­spect.
Does tox­i­c­ity imply vi­o­lence?
There’s al­ways tox­i­c­ity in vi­o­lence, but there’s not alway vi­o­lence in tox­i­c­ity. For ex­am­ple, if you have a part­ner who’s sure they don’t want chil­dren and you’re sure you do, then you’ll end up ar­gu­ing and un­able to find com­mon ground be­cause you stand on op­po­site sides of an im­por­tant issue. If nei­ther wants to give up on what you want, then you’ll in­evitably end up suf­fer­ing.
How do un­healthy re­la­tion­ships arise?
When one of the two peo­ple feels bad about the be­hav­iour of the other but doesn’t move away from it and so al­lows it. It’s not so much what we say that mat­ters, but what we do. If you tell some­one: “Don’t do that again” but they know there won’t be any con­se­quences and you’re not pre­pared to leave them, then they will con­tinue to act the same. This be­hav­iour be­comes nor­mal and you don’t even no­tice it any­more.
Young love is in­tense. Can what we see as great chem­istry be tox­i­c­ity?
Every re­la­tion­ship can be­come toxic. Re­gard­less of how they start, re­la­tion­ships change over time. They may grow stronger and over­come dif­fi­cul­ties or they can de­stroy us. That chem­istry we feel when falling in love is a con­se­quence of all the changes that occur in the brain, but we mustn’t for­get that we’re ex­pe­ri­enc­ing an ini­tial stage and we still don’t know the other per­son. It’s com­mon for re­la­tion­ships to seem like one thing at the be­gin­ning but then over time we end up see­ing it as com­pletely dif­fer­ent. That’s why we shouldn’t make long-term com­mit­ments while we’re falling in love. We should wait until the first phase of the re­la­tion­ship has passed and the chem­istry has set­tled.
How do we know when things have gone bad?
If we’re suf­fer­ing and we feel anx­i­ety or sad­ness, if we’re de­pressed, if we lack en­ergy, cre­ativ­ity, or the de­sire to do things, if we be­come ob­sessed with that per­son and what hap­pens to them, if we start look­ing for ways to please them so they pay us at­ten­tion, etc. We can also feel that we’re los­ing our­selves, that we get to a point that we can no longer even re­mem­ber what we were like be­fore...
Can a toxic re­la­tion­ship cre­ate ad­dic­tion?
It’s not that the toxic re­la­tion­ship cre­ates ad­dic­tion but the ad­dic­tion makes it hard for us to cut that toxic re­la­tion­ship. This is called emo­tional de­pen­dence, the in­abil­ity to cut that link even if deep down you know it’s hurt­ing you and is going nowhere. You feel a deep and paralysing fear that it will end, that you will lose that per­son for­ever. You’d rather be in bad com­pany than be alone.
How do you get out of such a re­la­tion­ship?
It’s not easy, but it can al­ways be done and I as­sure you that it’s a path that’s al­ways worth tak­ing. It’s nec­es­sary to go through a process to strengthen self-es­teem, re­con­nect with our per­sonal power, with our sense of worth and, often, also with dig­nity. Some­times a process of emo­tional ed­u­ca­tion is also nec­es­sary that al­lows us to un­der­stand love and re­la­tion­ships in a health­ier way.

In­ter­view psy­chol­ogy

Global therapy

Sílvia Congost is a psychologist with over 20 years experience. An expert in emotional dependence, self-esteem and toxic relationships, she has centres in Barcelona, Girona and Madrid, in addition to doing online therapy with patients from all over the world ( She is the author of a number of books dealing with dysfunctional relationships. In addition, Sívia will star in Objective Amarte, a group experience in the form of a stage show that will be on at the Teatre Goya in Barcelona on March 4.

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