
Stormy days

The presenter of El Punt Avui TV’s The Week in Football and Barça TV commentator, Barney Griffiths, analyses the situation at Catalonia’s leading clubs as they wind down for the World Cup break


De­spite win­ning five of nine games in Oc­to­ber and look­ing im­pe­ri­ous against strong op­po­si­tion in La Liga – wit­ness the 3-0 and 4-0 drub­bings of Vil­lar­real and Ath­letic, re­spec­tively – Xavi’s side went out of the Cham­pi­ons League due to two poor re­sults against Inter, los­ing 1-0 at the San Siro and draw­ing 3-3 at the Camp Nou. Com­bined with two losses to Bay­ern, 2-0 away and 3-0 at home, the lat­ter after Inter had al­ready clinched qual­i­fi­ca­tion, and a sober­ing 3-1 de­feat in the Clásico at the Bernabéu, the blau­grana were left with a bit­ter­sweet taste from the month of Oc­to­ber. Sec­ond in the league table, just one point be­hind Madrid, No­vem­ber of­fers a point­less fix­ture away at Plzen to fin­ish off the Cham­pi­ons League group stage and two very winnable league games – at home to Alme­ria and away at Os­asuna – be­fore league ac­tion stops until De­cem­ber 31 for the World Cup.

Al­though it is not un­fea­si­ble that Xavi’s side will top the league head­ing into the World Cup break, fans will have mixed feel­ings about hav­ing been dumped out of Eu­rope’s elite com­pe­ti­tion so un­cer­e­mo­ni­ously, and a Eu­ropa League cam­paign in the New Year will only re­ally be com­pen­sated for by win­ning that tour­na­ment and mount­ing a se­ri­ous chal­lenge for the league.

To be fair to Xavi, his side did not look out­classed by any of Bay­ern, Inter or Real Madrid, ex­cept per­haps in the mean­ing­less 3-0 home de­feat to the Bavar­i­ans.

With the im­pe­ri­ous Lewandowski up front along­side Dembélé and a slowly re­turn­ing to top form Ansu Fati, and a dan­ger­ous look­ing Raphinya in the wings, the for­ward line looks more than good enough. And a mid­field of Bus­quets, Gavi, Pedri and De Jong also con­sti­tutes an em­bar­rass­ment of riches. Nei­ther are there any ques­tions over Ter Ste­gen in goal, the big Ger­man hav­ing set a record of 10 clean sheets in the open­ing 12 league games of the sea­son. No, the prob­lem has been a de­fence ham­pered by nu­mer­ous in­juries, cost­ing Barça dearly in Eu­rope. New sign­ings Koundé and Alonso cer­tainly seem to be at the right level, but the loss of the for­mer along with Araújo for a few games, plus se­ri­ous ques­tion marks over Eric García’s de­fen­sive so­lid­ity, have made the cen­tral de­fence weaker, while Hec­tor Bellerín’s lack of match prac­tice and Sergi Roberto’s lack of speed and de­fence nous have led Xavi to play the ex­cel­lent Alex Baldé out of po­si­tion at right back on sev­eral oc­ca­sions. The feel­ing is that if Xavi can get his de­fence fit and con­sis­tent, then Barça will chal­lenge for all re­main­ing tro­phies this sea­son.


Diego Mar­tinez’ side con­tin­ued to strug­gle in a month that saw them lose only one of six league games, but draw four. The first game of the month at home to Va­len­cia was the most event­ful of the bunch, with an Es­panyol come­back from going be­hind, a send­ing off for both sides, and late drama rob­bing the periq­ui­tos of all three points. In truth, the dam­age was once again self-in­flicted. Sec­ond-choice goal­keeper Álvaro Fernández had got his chance after Ben­jamin Lecomte was sus­pended for his send­ing off in the home de­feat to Real Madrid. How­ever, he com­mit­ted an in­ex­plic­a­ble error at the end of the game against Va­len­cia with Es­panyol 2-1 up after goals from Joselu and Darder had turned the game on its head. With al­most the last ac­tion of the game, Fernández al­lowed a harm­less ball into the box by Va­len­cia de­fender Cömert to fall into the cor­ner of his goal, kiss­ing good­bye to two im­por­tant points. Not sur­pris­ingly, it sig­nalled the re­turn of Lecomte. But the French­man con­tin­ued Es­panyol’s goal­keep­ing woes in the next game at Cádiz, when he missed a cross and the de­fence con­trived to hand away the opener. Again Es­panyol came from be­hind, two goals from Joselu turn­ing it around, be­fore vet­eran striker Lucas Pérez snatched a point for the home side in a game Es­panyol again could eas­ily have won. Joselu’s rich vein of form con­tin­ued as he scored the win­ner in a 1-0 de­feat of Val­ladolid at the RCDE sta­dium, the only win of the month. That was fol­lowed by the only de­feat of the month, 1-0 at Os­asuna. The last two games of Oc­to­ber both brought draws, 2-2 at home to Elche and 1-1 at Mal­lorca.


Michel’s side suf­fered a mostly mis­er­able Oc­to­ber, six games yield­ing just three points, al­though the last of those, a 1-1 draw at the Bernabéu, will be much cher­ished by fans. The month started with a chas­ten­ing 5-3 loss at home to Real So­ciedad, and this de­spite twice tak­ing the lead after falling be­hind early on. The Basques showed their class in the sec­ond half, though, turn­ing a 3-2 deficit into a 5-3 vic­tory. The fol­low­ing week saw a trip to Atlético, where Girona again fell be­hind to an early goal. A calami­tous error by keeper Juan Car­los Mar­tin handed Cor­rea his sec­ond just after the break, and after a de­flected Riquelme shot re­duced the deficit for Michel’s men, only two spec­tac­u­lar Oblak saves from su­perb Aleix García strikes de­nied Girona a point.

Al­though a sloppy start to the sec­ond half saw Cádiz take the lead at Mon­tilivi, con­stant pres­sure re­sulted in a de­served 101st minute equaliser by Stu­ani, al­beit from the penalty spot. Girona fell be­hind again in their next game at Alme­ria, be­fore com­edy de­fend­ing and an out­ra­geous 40-yard free kick gave the hosts a three-goal cush­ion. A rous­ing come­back so nearly saw Girona snatch a point, but the game ul­ti­mately ended in a 3-2 de­feat. Os­asuna left Mon­tilivi with a point in the last home game of the month, be­fore Stu­ani was once again the man on the spot, tuck­ing away a sec­ond-half penalty for a de­served equaliser to take a point from Real Madrid in the Bernabéu.


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